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Re: 3.6.1 mingw binaries for testing

From: fork
Subject: Re: 3.6.1 mingw binaries for testing
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 17:43:21 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

nitnit <nitnit <at> gmail.com> writes:

 > Once I will get sufficient feedback about stability these can be uploaded to
> SF.

Excellent work!

One thing: if I double click octave.exe, the terminal window that opens doesn't
have functional up-arrow and down-arrow history mechanisms (nor the rest of
readline, I think).  However, if I open with a different mingw bash terminal and
then run from the command line, I have the appropriate history mechanisms. 

I don't mind doing this, but for user convenience, whatever terminal
automagically appears with a mindless double click should probably have
nicey-nicey readline functionality.

(I also tried to write a loop to test fltk plotting, and it segfaulted, but I am
not sure what is going on yet...  I will report more later, but it was a simple
"for ii=1:1000; plot(1:1000, sin(1:1000); close all; endfor;")

Thanks again for all the hard work that makes my life easier and more fun!

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