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Re: Building on MinGW using MXE-built dependencies [WAS: Re: mxe-install

From: Philip Nienhuis
Subject: Re: Building on MinGW using MXE-built dependencies [WAS: Re: mxe-installer try 2]
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 18:29:03 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100701 SeaMonkey/2.0.6

John D wrote:


I got octave (without the  GUI) to compile under native mingw !


And better yet if I cd into i686-pc-ming32/bin and run octave, it even runs!

Could you run "make check" ?

I compiled without the qt and qt scintilla dependencies, however did note
that it looks for freetype, so that should be added as a dependency for the
octave.mk file.

I'd swear that it is in the mxe dependencies - but I must be wrong.

Also, I had to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to usr/i686-pc-ming32/lib/pkgconfig
otherwise it wouldn't find the libraries during configure.

Same here. I think I described that in the very first mail in this thread.

I think there is something wrong with pkg-config at the moment as when I run
it standalone (in debug output mode)
address@hidden ~/mxe-octave
$ ./usr/bin/pkg-config.exe --debug --list-all
Error printing enabled by default due to use of output options besides
--exists or --atleast/exact/max-version. Value of --silence-errors: 0
Error printing enabled
Adding virtual 'pkg-config' package to list of known packages
Cannot open directory
'/home/jdonoghue/mxe-octave/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/lib/pkgconfig' in package
search path: No such file or directory

But the path is there, and contains the .pc files.

It might be due to confusion between mingw paths starting from
and Windows paths that some mingw proggies run into. It seems to be one of the common pitfalls of mingw.

When I set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH env variable there and run pkg-config, it
displays all the known libraries as expected.

For Qt, using configure.exe seems to be at least getting me through
configuration ok (I had to remove a lot of options that configure knows but
configure.exe doesn't understand)

When I built qt4 a year ago I just entered "qmake release" or something simple like that, and it simply built OK - but with some pre- or postfix in the .dll names that had to be removed (Michael Goffioul pointed me to that, initially I didn't notice).

and then it fails in make:
make -C
'/home/jdonoghue/mxe-octave/tmp-qt/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.3' -
j '1'
make[2]: Entering directory
-opensource-src-4.8.3//projects.pro  -o Makefile -spec win32-g++
Could not find mkspecs for your QMAKESPEC(win32-g++) after trying:^M


Not sure why its looking there for the mkspecs rather than in the Qt
distribution, but it is a step closer.

Maybe the mkspecs are copied there into place by the mxe build scripts? (wild guess) I think one can add a "-platform win32-g++" option to configure.exe that should (uhm, might) point to the proper mkspecs subdir.


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