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Fixed [Re: MXE: qt error with native build]

From: Philip Nienhuis
Subject: Fixed [Re: MXE: qt error with native build]
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 10:56:08 +0200
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Philip Nienhuis wrote:
John D wrote:
*From:* Michael Goffioul [mailto:address@hidden
*Sent:* Thursday, June 20, 2013 5:54 PM
*To:* John D
*Cc:* Philip Nienhuis; Octave Maintainers List
*Subject:* Re: MXE: qt error with native build

On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 5:13 PM, John D <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Nienhuis [mailto:address@hidden
John D wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Nienhuis [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:11 PM
> To: John D
> Cc: address@hidden
> Subject: Re: MXE: qt error with native build
> John D wrote:
> <snip>
>> r
>> ce-src
>> -4.8.3//projects.pro <http://projects.pro>
>> -o Makefile -spec win32-g++
>> "make" -w -- JOBS=1 -f Makefile
>> make[3]: Entering directory
>> `/home/Philip/mxe-octave/tmp-qt/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.3'
>> make[3]: *** No rule to make target `-f'. Stop.
>> ------------------------------
>> It does the same on mine
>> Running just normal 'make' to create octave works fine though
> Not here:
> :
> make[8]: Entering directory
> /plugi
> ns/imageformats/mng'
> ce-src
> -4.8.3/bin/qmake
> ce-src -4.8.3/src/plugins/imageformats/mng/mng.pro <http://mng.pro>
> -o Makefile -spec win32-g++
> Project ERROR: Package libmng not found
> make[8]: *** [all] Error 2

<John D:>
> That's from running make from the mxe-octave root directory?

Of course.
It wasn't obvious to me from what other subdir I should run make.

I suppose ~/mxe-octave/tmp-qt/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.3 ?
(just tried - see below)

<from your other email:>
> Have you set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to
> `/home/Philip/mxe-octave/usr/i686-pc-mingw/lib/pkgconfig ?

No, but after checking I'll rather set it to:
<John D:>
Check that mng was installed - installed-packages/libmng, and if it was:
export /home/Philip/mxe-octave/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/lib/pkgconfig

(in the /home/Philip/mxe-octave) folder and see what happens.

Also, just for info, I created a script in tools/set_mxe_env.sh you
can run
as source tools/set_mxe_env.sh, that sets all the bin/lib/config
paths that
may help.
I created it for compiling the octave_hg versions of code in mingw after
having a working mxe-octave.
It isn't much use for anything except for native mingw builds.

I only followed the discussion a little bit, but I've the impression
these specific variables should be set by the top-level Makefile.



They are(with the exception of PKG_CONFIG_PATH, which used to be there,
but I believe no longer is)

My script is more for use with compiling the octave directly from the
main hg repo than for compiling mxe-octave.

After properly setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH and restarting "make" in
./mxe-octave top dir, I found that the build got as far as octave itself.
It stopped with "no space left on device" but that is obviously my side
of things. (Good to know that this joke needs some 2.5 - 3 GB disk space
all together)
Another 2-3 hour wait I suppose.....

Well that wasn't too bad: just 1.5 hours to build Octave.

After adding /home/Philip/mxe-octave/usr/i686-pc-mingw32/bin to the PATH I can now run Octave. Neat!

Of course there are some remaining things:

- Octave starts off with a "-K>>" prompt (JD I think you mentioned this) and no blinking cursor (bug #39259)

- Continuing the setup of the dist subdir (mk-dist ...) fails with
"make: *** No rule to make target `/home/Philip/mxe-octave/installed-packages/build-binutils', needed by `/home/Philip/mxe-octave/installed-packages/native-gcc'. Stop."

- My own aim was not so much being able to build an Octave binary distribution natively on Windows (would be nice though), but first of all to get at a point where I could "hg clone" the Octave dev version, build it (optionally with --enable-debug) and run "make check", all meant to make debugging on MinGW less involved.

John D, did I read you correctly that:
Also, just for info, I created a script in tools/set_mxe_env.sh you can run as 
source tools/set_mxe_env.sh, that sets all the bin/lib/config paths that may 
I created it for compiling the octave_hg versions of code in mingw after
having a working mxe-octave.
It isn't much use for anything except for native mingw builds.
... that script is meant to aid exactly that purpose?

- JWE/John D, I documented all steps I took to get a working mxe-built Octave. Given your remarks in recent postings: https://mailman.cae.wisc.edu/pipermail/octave-maintainers/2013-June/034313.html (and follow-up) would you mind if I put it up on the wiki? or shall I just post it here on the maintainers ML?


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