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RE: Fixed [Re: MXE: qt error with native build]

From: John D
Subject: RE: Fixed [Re: MXE: qt error with native build]
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 06:20:16 -0400

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Nienhuis [mailto:address@hidden 
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 4:56 AM
To: John D
Cc: 'Octave Maintainers List'; address@hidden
Subject: Fixed [Re: MXE: qt error with native build]

- My own aim was not so much being able to build an Octave binary 
distribution natively on Windows (would be nice though), but first of 
all to get at a point where I could "hg clone" the Octave dev version, 
build it (optionally with --enable-debug) and run "make check", all 
meant to make debugging on MinGW less involved.

John D, did I read you correctly that:
> Also, just for info, I created a script in tools/set_mxe_env.sh you can
run as source tools/set_mxe_env.sh, that sets all the bin/lib/config paths
that may help.
> I created it for compiling the octave_hg versions of code in mingw after
> having a working mxe-octave.
> It isn't much use for anything except for native mingw builds.
... that script is meant to aid exactly that purpose?

- JWE/John D, I documented all steps I took to get a working mxe-built 
Octave. Given your remarks in recent postings:
  (and follow-up)
would you mind if I put it up on the wiki? or shall I just post it here 
on the maintainers ML?



Yes the script is for that - I have successfully built octave checked out
from octave hg a few times now.
All you need to do is check out the sources, source the set_mxe_env.sh
script, and then run run bootstrap, configure, make like you normally would
have to on a unix system.

It will build octave, but fail at generating all the documentation, but the
./run-octave script in the build directory will run the latest and greatest
from the octave hg repo!

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