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Re: binocdf inaccuracy in Octave

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: binocdf inaccuracy in Octave
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 16:56:19 -0500
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On 07/08/2013 04:38 PM, Rik wrote:
On 07/08/2013 10:33 AM, Daniel J Sebald wrote:
 On 07/08/2013 12:29 PM, Daniel J Sebald wrote:
> On 07/08/2013 11:38 AM, Rik wrote:
>> 7/8/13
>> Dr. Klein,
>> I think this is actually a much easier problem to solve that it first
>> appeared. In the the file binocdf.m the formula used to calculate the
>> CDF is
>> cdf(k) = 1 - betainc (p, tmp + 1, n - tmp);
>> According to Wikipedia
>> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution) the CDF for the
>> binomial distribution is
>> \textstyle I_{1-p}(n - k, 1 + k)
>> or
>> I(1-p, n-k, 1+k)
>> So it appears that we simply have the arguments wrong to the betainc
>> function.
> But it is also true that
> \textstyle I_{x}(a, b) = I_{1-x}(b, a)

 Oops, make that

 I_{x}(a,b) = 1 - I_{1-x}(b,a)


> In other words, the two expressions you are comparing are mathematically
> equivalent. Where is the discrepancy then? Numerical issues?

Yes, there is a mixing of large and small values such that the small
value is swamped by the limited precision of the double type.

The example binocdf (1,50, 0.999) translates to

1 - betainc (.999, 2, 49) => 1 - 1 => 0

If we don't use the mathematical identity to swap A and B in the inputs
to betainc then the expression is

betainc (.001, 49, 2)  => 4.99510000000012e-146

which is correct.

It turns out that the Fortran code in xdbetai.f is making use of the
same identity.  Check out this code at the start of the function which
swaps A and B and reverses x to 1-x.

Y = X
IF (Q.LE.P .AND. X.LT.0.8D0) GO TO 20
IF (X.LT.0.2D0) GO TO 20
Y = 1.0D0 - Y

At the end of the function it sorts things back out again

70   IF (Y.NE.X .OR. P.NE.PIN) DBETAI = 1.0D0 - DBETAI

So, when betainc is called as betainc (.999, 2, 49) it reverses the
arguments and eventually reaches line 70 where it takes 1.0 - 4.995e-146
which equals 1.

I couldn't find that.  All I see in xdbetai.f is:

      subroutine xdbetai (x, a, b, result)
      external dbetai
      double precision x, a, b, result, dbetai
      result = dbetai (x, a, b)

For binocdf.m I still think my change makes sense because it gives you
extra accuracy in one direction, and in the other direction (binocdf
(1,50, .001) is no worse than what we have now.


Yeah, I agree with that. If someone is exploring the tail end of some distribution it could be useful to retain such info rather than having it lost because of a double subtraction.


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