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Re: binocdf inaccuracy in Octave

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: binocdf inaccuracy in Octave
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 17:39:44 -0500
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On 07/08/2013 05:03 PM, Pascal Dupuis wrote:
2013/7/8 Daniel J Sebald<address@hidden>:

I couldn't find that.  All I see in xdbetai.f is:

       subroutine xdbetai (x, a, b, result)
       external dbetai
       double precision x, a, b, result, dbetai
       result = dbetai (x, a, b)

Yeah, this is the C-to-fortran interface. The computation is performed
inside liboctave/cruft/slatec-fn/dbetai.f

Oh, I thought it would be in some library somewhere.  Thanks...

Well, it does appear that internally the routine address numerical
aspects somewhat:

      Y = X
      P = PIN
      Q = QIN
      IF (Q.LE.P .AND. X.LT.0.8D0) GO TO 20
      IF (X.LT.0.2D0) GO TO 20
      Y = 1.0D0 - Y
      P = QIN
      Q = PIN
 20   IF ((P+Q)*Y/(P+1.D0).LT.EPS) GO TO 80

So that when the routine gets to the end, the line that Rik pointed out:

      IF (Y.NE.X .OR. P.NE.PIN) DBETAI = 1.0D0 - DBETAI

and the up-front modifications it entails, hopefully do something
beneficial rather than harmful.


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