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Re: test code in .oct sources

From: Daniel Kraft
Subject: Re: test code in .oct sources
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 08:04:12 +0200
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On 07/22/2013 02:04 AM, Rik wrote:
> On 07/21/2013 02:26 PM, address@hidden wrote:
>> What do you think about extending the range of supported file
>> extensions?  I don't think this could lead to any problems, because the
>> only case when it differs from the current situation would be if someone
>> types "test foo", doesn't have foo.m or foo.cc, but has foo.cpp.  And in
>> this case, I presume it is valid to assume that the he/she actually
>> *wanted* to get the test code from foo.cpp.
> It's not a bad idea, but I think there are more important issues to fix.

as I wrote, I'd be happy to provide a patch.  So if you (and others)
like the idea, it wouldn't take any of your time.

> Octave uses the .cc extension and that isn't going to change.  If your
> code is eventually aimed at incorporation into Octave core or into an
> Octave-Forge package then you might as well rename the extension to .cc
> now.  Of course, for your own projects it is fine to develop using the
> .cpp extension.  But, then the workaround is easy--just use 'test
> file.cpp' rather than 'test file' and it will work correctly.

My code is just for me (related to my PhD work) and not for inclusion
into Octave, thus I want to stay with .cpp.  I didn't know that "test
file.cpp" works, is this documented somewhere?  This is of course an
acceptable workaround (as is patching the local test.m file which I did
so far).

Nevertheless if you think this is a good idea, I'll provide a patch?  It
would surely have saved me some time trying to figure out what the
problem is.


Done:  Arc-Bar-Cav-Hea-Kni-Ran-Rog-Sam-Tou-Val-Wiz
To go: Mon-Pri

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