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Re: [SOCIS] Your project has been selected

From: Dennis Liu
Subject: Re: [SOCIS] Your project has been selected
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 08:08:24 +0200

On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Carnë Draug <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 20 July 2013 14:50, Dennis Liu <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Is it too late to apply SOCIS 2013 as a student now?
> No. Not at all. Applications just started.
>> [...]
>> Being as a user, I have a similar background and co-interest to one of
>> the Octave active developers (I have read his googlesummer plan here:
>> http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/project/google/gsoc2013/carandraug/17001).
>> I am a student in Europe, heavily using microscopy and image analysis
>> for life science. So I am wondering if there is any potential work I
>> could do with the ND- image package. Or else? I am happy to start with
>> any image processing or graphics topics. Could anyone give me any
>> suggestion, please?
> If you want to work on supporting ND images, you could work on the
> functions for image registration and geometric transformation. I have
> also though about creating an ND image class, something that allows
> indexing with channel or wavelength names for example. Those are
> things that are not part of my project but I'm unsure if they're
> enough work for another full proposal.
> We have a list of the stuff missing in the image package [1], Octave
> projects [2], and GSoC project ideas [3].
> Some simpler things that may help you in getting started (from my todo
> list of stuff that is not in my GSoC project) are:
> * ND support in padarray (seems to already be working. Test and document)
> * implement bwareaopen (should be very easy. Possibly making use of 
> bwconncomp)
> * make the Hough transform functions matlab compatible
> Carnë
> [1] http://wiki.octave.org/Image_package
> [2] http://wiki.octave.org/Projects
> [3] http://wiki.octave.org/GSoC_Project_Ideas

Hi guys,

Thanks a lot for all of your support.

Carnë, I guess I could start with functions for image registration and
geometric transformation. I am also interested in other things you
mentioned to me. If I really decide to work on these, I will discuss
with you first.

>From the list([1] http://wiki.octave.org/Image_package), I found there
were quite some functions yet to be implemented in the image package.
Are they all very necessary? What is the priority? How do we decide
which one to implement in general? It's driven by needs?

For the coming two days, I will take a deeper look at the image
package and related functions in octave,  also check ML's realated
packages, to see how everything is organized, and maybe come up with a
plan. I have no experience of open source development within a public
community. I consider getting on the SOCIS project is an extra bonus.
More importantly, I just need to get me started here with Octave.



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