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common warning id for double->object conversion

From: Colin Macdonald
Subject: common warning id for double->object conversion
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 11:07:27 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.1.1

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Summary: if you do `sym(1/3)` instead of `sym(1)/3`, we give a warning.

On 22/06/16 08:48, Oliver Heimlich wrote:
There is the exactly same issue in the interval package. If you want
to implement this feature in the construtors (maybe with a regexp
to identify fractions and decimal numbers) we should use the same
warning id.

Good idea.  Do you think its appropriate to use the "Octave" namespace?

Maybe something lke:

2. warning("Octave:possible-precision-loss", <custom message>)
3. warning("Octave:lossy-object-from-double", ...)

For `sym` objects its currently:

warning('OctSymPy:sym:rationalapprox', ...
  'Using rat() heuristics for double-precision input (is this what you

(but I'm happy to change it).


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