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1D PDE solver for Octave

From: Bill Greene
Subject: 1D PDE solver for Octave
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2016 13:29:48 -0400

I'm working on a 1D PDE solver for Octave that is somewhat
similar to the MATLAB function pdepe.

I would like to make this available to the general Octave
community but am not sure what is the best strategy for this.
So, I'm soliciting suggestions.

The function is implemented as a C++ mex file. It depends very
heavily on the Sundials ida ODE solver, somewhat less heavily
on the Eigen C++ matrix class library, and a couple of libraries
from Boost.

So, my main issue is how to deal with these three dependencies 
when distributing the code? I suppose I could build binary
versions myself for a few platforms and package these with the
source. I haven't come across anyone else distributing Octave
functions this way. I perused a few projects on octave-forge
but haven't seen any that have faced this same issue; the pkg
install capability is certainly convenient for users.

I know that some work is ongoing using Sundials ida to improve the
Octave ODE solvers. But I'm unclear on when or if this might result
in the Sundials libraries being available in Octave.

So, as I say, I'll appreciate any suggestions on how to proceed.

Bill Greene

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