Thanks for taking the time to reply although I am disappointed
that you didn't address any of my issues.
I am using the C API to ida; my code is written in C++.
My code is currently using a simple linear interpolation in the
spatial dimension and then using ida to solve the resulting system
of ODE. I intend to improve the spatial discretization in the future
but the current implementation could certainly be considered "inferior"
to pdepe. I'm not trying to duplicate pdepe-- just support the same
problem class and the command line interface as closely as possible.
I should say one more thing about Sundials ida. The latest version ofÂ
ida is only just "adequate" to support my current implementation,
mainly because its sparse matrix support is rather rudimentary. I am
hoping they will improve ida in this area and expect that for the
foreseeable future I'll want to be using the very latest ida release.
I am aware of the ongoing Octave ode15s work; I alluded to that in my original
I would be happy for anyone to try the current code. At this point, I
consider it to be solid beta-quality code.