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Re: Parallel and MPI with default branch

From: Sebastian Schöps
Subject: Re: Parallel and MPI with default branch
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 22:35:18 +0100

Dear Olaf,

> I know that. I'm currently working on making it compile with the
> default branch. It takes a lot more work than fixing the bugs reported
> there, and I can't spend whole days for it.

Ok. Thanks for fixing the bugs. For the record: I was just asking, not pushing.

>> I want to run some parallel simulations these days and would be glad
>> to use either of the two packages.
> Why do you want to do these simulations with Octaves development
> branch?

Is this an honest question or badly hidden criticism? Let's suppose the former: 
my code is using some features that are only present in the default branch.

> You can't expect packages to work with the development branch
> all the time.

I do not expect that they work all the time, so I kindly asked if it happens to 
be the case. That seems to be a reasonable idea or not? 

Best regards,

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