In order to compare graphics rendering and printing between Matlab and
Octave, can someone share the png files (430+) that are generated by the
attached script ran in a recent version of Matlab.
(1) your script tries to run dump_plot_demos.m from ML2019, and that m file isn't located there.
>> pwd
ans =
>> dir
. .. dump_plot_demos.m
>> set (groot, "defaultfigurevisible", "off");
>> d = "ML2019";
>> mkdir (d);
>> orig = cd (d);
>> pwd
ans =
>> dir
. ..
>> dump_plot_demos ();
'dump_plot_demos' is not found in the current folder or on the MATLAB path, but exists in:
Change the MATLAB current folder or add its folder to the MATLAB path.
(2) trying to run dump_plot_demos.m from the folder it is located in results in:
>> dump_plot_demos();
Error: File: dump_plot_demos.m Line: 1 Column: 1
The input was too complicated or too big for MATLAB to parse.