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Re: [Otpasswd-talk] Changes in code and documentation. ;-)

From: Hannes Beinert
Subject: Re: [Otpasswd-talk] Changes in code and documentation. ;-)
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 16:05:30 -0600

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 12:36, Tomasz bla Fortuna <address@hidden> wrote:
> spass, channel_Time, failures, recent_failures are not fully
> implemented but have you got any idea what should be added today so we
> won't later break compatibility when changing it? Any ideas welcome.
> After the next "stable version" I guess I should stop a bit with this
> state changes.

I saw that you've been working hard!  :-)

I do have a bunch of questions/comments that have come up in the
course of my messing around with the documentation.  And I realize
that anything I write is out of date the moment I write it!  :-)

With respect to your specific question...  I'll have to think about it
a bit.  However, I do think it might be nice to have a date along with
the recent failure count, perhaps, so that one could get an idea of
the rate of failures.  I'm not sure.

Also, I think that it might be useful to have either a more
complicated "contact" field with subfields, or multiple contact
fields.  Personally, I might want multiple channels -- any combination
of email, SMS, IM, or things I can't think of at the moment.

I see that you're including just the checksum of the static password.
If one were to want to create a OTPW-like password entry where the
user would enter a concatenation of the static password and the OTP,
would there be enough information present in the state information to
parse that?  Or do you have some other method in mind?  I'm just
thinking aloud here, as it were.  :-)

Other than that, I can't think of anything at the moment.

I'm still working on the man pages at the moment.  I figure once we
have the general framework, it will be easier to incorporate changes
as we go.


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