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Re: [Pan-users] Wishlist

From: Toby Inkster
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Wishlist
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 19:12:40 +0100

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 12:31:42 -0400 (EDT)
gaw zay <address@hidden> wrote:

GZ> > It would be nice if there was a user-definable pipes menu. For
GZ> > example, I could define an entry "rot 13" by `tr "[a-z]" "[n-za-m]"`
GZ> > and "gpg sign" by `gpg --clearsign`.
GZ> already have rot13 built-in. But I see the usefulness of this kinda
GZ> feature.  Although! You can use vi or whatever as you editor and do
GZ> stuff like that anyway.

The rot 13 was just intended as an example. Yes, I know that Pan already has it 
on the menu. But by allowing outside agents to do the work, Pan would be much 
more extensible. 

Another example. Type in a file name, highlight it, then choose "attach 
uuencoded" from the pipes menu and the message contains the file specified as 
an attachments,

GZ> Unix is safer, don't need to advertise your exact kernel to people.
GZ> try grep -r Unix * in the pan source for a quick fix if you want to do
GZ> this btw :-)

Well, maybe the exact kernel version is a security issue, but a minor one. At 
least saying "Linux" or "FreeBSD" would be good though.

GZ> not a bad idea. of course then there will be that day you want to grab
GZ> a binary and will have to recompile ;-)

Obviously you only compile out the binary features if you *really* don't need 
them. For instance, my news server filters out all binary posts, so I have no 
need for binary features in my news reader.

I am mulling over the idea of branching the Pan 1.0 source to create "Pan (Text 
Only)" -- PANTO for short.

If you occasionally need to decode a binary there are command-line ttols for 

       Toby A Inkster, Esq. ~  
           mailto:tobyink<at> ~ gpg:0x5274FE5A      
      icq:#6622880 ~ aim:inka80 ~ jabber:tobyink<at> 

In a Belgrade hotel elevator: To move the cabin, push button for
wishing floor.  If the cabin should enter more persons, each one
should press a number of wishing floor.  Driving is then going
alphabetically by national order.

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