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Re: [Pan-users] My Wish List

From: Toby Inkster
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] My Wish List
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 01:07:15 +0100

On Fri, 19 Jul 2002 18:32:00 -0500
Jeff Vian <address@hidden> wrote:

| Why not post the code for something of this sort (so we all do not have 
| to hunt for it, or repeat the development of such a trivial item.
| Then it should be easy to implement for almost anybody.

OK, here's how to do it.

Firstly, we create a named pipe called, for example .dynamic_signature. To do 
this we run this command:

address@hidden ~]$ mkfifo .dynamic_signature

Now, we create a program that repeatedly writes a signature to 
.dynamic_signature. Here is a nice Perl script that does just that.


while (1 == 1) {

  ($s,$d) = split(/load/, `uptime`);
  ($d,$s) = split(/up/, $s);
  chop($s); chop($s); chop($s);
  $s =~ s/^\s//;
  $s =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  ($a, $b, $c) = split(/\, /, $s);
  $s = "$a, $b";
  if ($s =~ m/user/) {
    ($s, $a) = split(/\,/, $s);
  $r = `uname -rs`;

  $UPTIME = $s;
  $FORTUNE = `/usr/games/fortune -s`;

  $MAINSIG = "Luser Dude\nSome Company\nSomewhereville";

  open (FILE, ">/home/luser/.dynamic_signature");
  print FILE "$MAINSIG\n\n$FORTUNE";
  close (FILE);

Now, run "cat .dynamic_signature". You'll notice that cat seems to hang. In 
another terminal, run the Perl script above. You'll notice that the cat command 
springs to life. Yay!

This seems to work very well. :-)

Toby A Inkster. I can't think of anything clever to write here.
Web Page:
IM:       AIM:inka80 ICQ:6622880 YIM:tobyink

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.

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