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[Pan-users] Re: header update bug

From: Bruce Bowler
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: header update bug
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 13:30:15 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.131 (Ghosts: First Variation)

On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 14:41:50 -0400, Bruce Bowler wrote:

> If one uses the 'n' keystroke to move to the next unread post, *most* of
> the time the appropriate line in the header pane is moved into the pane
> and highlighted.
> I (probably) haven't identified all the cases where it occurs, and the
> case I have observed may not happen all the time, so certainly more
> testing/observation is needed, but at least one case where the above
> described behaviour does not occur is if
> 0) "expand all threads when entering group" is unchecked.
> 1) the next unread post is a reply to a "top-level" post that had been
> marked read in a prior session.
> 2) that top level post is one of the last 3 (or maybe only last 2 or
> maybe last 4, I'm not sure) posts in the group, based on the current
> sort field.
> I'm currently using the source from SVN, but the problem also occurred
> in prior versions.
> Has anyone else seen it?  Is there a bug for this already?  (399776 is
> similar, also submitted by me, but relates to the group pane, not the
> header pane)
> Thanks!
> Bruce

Well, more observations...  Just had a case that, based on the above 
rules, should have failed, but didn't (first unread was reply to top 
level that was next to the bottom, header pan was properly updated).

Also had a case where first unread was reply to a top level post that 
should have ended up in the upper half of the header pane, but things 
didn't get updated properly...

Oh well...

Bruce Bowler        | Now that my house has burned down I have a much
1.207.633.9600      | better view of the moon.  - Japanese Haiku   
address@hidden | 

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