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[Pan-users] Intermittent 'Too Many Connections' Error

From: mjy
Subject: [Pan-users] Intermittent 'Too Many Connections' Error
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 18:59:08 -0800

I'm using Pan 0.132 on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. My news is provided by my
I.S.P. Dslextreme. I'm allowed 2 connections, and my preferences are
set to 2 connections. This often works fine.

But when I am downloading multi-part binaries, I sometimes get an
intermittent "too many connections" error. From watching the
information in the task-bar, it appears that what is happening is that
Pan is opening a third connection to start a new part just as it's
finishing the previous part. If the overlap is too long, it seems to
trigger this warning, and if it happens too often the server will kill
one of my 2 connections, leaving one. 

Is it possible that my interpretation of the task bar info is correct?

Does anyone have any idea of how I can fix this irritating intermittent

Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

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