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[Pan-users] Re: New version of pan ?

From: Robert Marshall
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: New version of pan ?
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 08:22:27 +0000

On Sun, 16 Jan 2011, Petr Kovar wrote:

> So to sum it up, what would it take to roll out a new release and
> distribute it to users via standard channels...
> First off, someone who eventually takes the responsibility to do the
> release needs to have a GNOME developer account with write access to
>, and also Pan website (quite easily obtainable given
> Charles' consent, that is).
> Second, one needs to merge K Haley's appropriate branch (I believe
> this is called 'testing' in the repository, please
> correct me if I'm wrong) with the master branch in the Pan official
> repository at
> Third, do the actual release, tag it in the repository, make
> tarball, install it to
> Fourth, update the Pan website accordingly, send out announcement
> message about the new release.
> One's done. Now packagers need to pick up on one's work, make a
> package update with new release and distribute it to their
> users. This includes the Pan installer for Windows done by Steve
> Davies.
> As I said before, having a developer account, I'm willing to help
> out with that process, but I need someone with real knowledge of C++
> to back it up.  (Winking at K Haley here.) :-)

I have - a frightening - 20+ years of c++ experience but am very bad at
persisting with things. I also only use pan for a few newsgroups (mainly
binaries) and never use it for posting. I use gnus for most newsgroup
reading - so any testing would only be a subset of the whole except when
spurred to dig into the neighbourhood of a bug.

My experience with X api's is also Qt rather than gtk

The above doesn't mean I couldn't express an occasional interest though!

Links and things
Robert Marshall

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