Dear Jeff
I agree you have had ithe best prices around and responded very fast in the beginning, however, i must have tried your number may be 15 times before getting you to answer twice and again you never told me if you have shipped my order even in that call. From my ordering I must have sent you atleast 5 to 6 emails asking about my cables, not one was replied, so as a customer i got anxious seeing others having issues,
I am sure all of us have various problems and things can get delayed, but I think a one line to the email or a note on the website stating a delay due illness etc would have kept customers happy. ,I know you replied quite fast and quick before I ordered, However after that I never got any reply from you which got me to wonder why.
I hope you and your son recover well and fast and you are able to catch wih all our orders and you are happy and we are happy and we can all enjoy this hobby.
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 4:17 AM, Mohit Mundhra
<address@hidden> wrote:
I hope you remember my order which is pending from last 40 days.
Mohit MundhraOn Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 2:22 AM, Jeffrey Szeto
<address@hidden> wrote:
Also I have forgot to mention, I have caught a terrible Flu & fever last two week, which told me a week to recover. Then my 2 & a half years old Son caught it as well. I hope all the trouble have pass, I have been catching up with the order since last Monday!
Jeffrey Szeto ( Halfbase )
Mohit Mundhra
Aurora Integrated Systems
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