On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 12:38 AM, Lange Dennis (langede0)
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all
We would like to develop an autonomous Bungee-Takeoff. We have written a routine that actually works. In the first seconds of the start it looks very good. But then the UAV starts to decline again. But the log file sayd that the UAV wants to climb all time. And we also saw that the PFD did not show the right position.
So we believe that the IMU has an error because of the acceleration during the takeoff.
We also tried the BungeeTakeoff from the OSAM-Team >> same problem
Has anyone else had this problem? Or does someone have a solution?
We considered to control the angle of attack with an extra sensor during takeoff. Can it work?
Thanks in advance
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