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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] RC4 problem after setup

From: Tony Howden
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] RC4 problem after setup
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 04:14:36 -0000


(I've snipped large chunks out for clarity)

"Mark A Peters (Skeeter)" <address@hidden> said:
> I just committed a fix to the network class that should help solve that.
> Let me know if it continues.


> Yes.  I have been playing with a more absolute method for grabbing a true
> GMT time from the network.
> Here's the break-down of what I'm doing with it:
> When the datetime class is called, it checks to see if you already have a
> server_tz_offset.

Which I should have since NTP is configured and getting the time for the server
every x hours.

> If it does, the class will grab the servers true time,
> being local or GMT, and apply the offset to have a more accurate GMT/UTC
> time down to within seconds.

I think NTP does grab a GMT time via port 123, not sure about the daytime on 13
though ?

> If the server_tz_offset value is not in cache, it will go out on the

Pardon my ignorance but is this a phpgw cache you refer too ? and is that an
admin setting option ?

> network and attempt to grab GMT from  (I know that the
> server is a US based system.)  The class will then calculate your servers
> tz offset from the GMT value and your systems time.  This value, if you
> have enabled phpgw caching in setup/config, will then be stored for easier
> usage for subsequent requests.

Perhaps the query could look at the ntp config if it exists for the location of
the nominated time server from the ntp.conf server setting - e.g. for me its

> One we have your servers TZ offset, in hours, it is much easier to
> calculate the users true time:

But it seems that the way this server is configured that the ipchains are
deny'ing the connection hence it is never getting the response and is therefore
slow. I have noted that while I had a session of phpgw running the calls to the server were constant, as if it were retrying constantly. Is
there meant to be a time-out ?

> GMT_time = (servers_time + servers_tz_offset);
> users_local_time = GMT_time + users_preference;
> if they have correctly set their TZ in their user preferences.

Hmm... quite possibly not, although I haven't looked I am guessing that the
admin can set a default tz for all users and the only ones who will change it
are those that travel across tz boundaries.

> I know that most admins will have the majority of their users_local_time =
> servers_time, but this will give us a greater control of the datetime
> class for global enterprise level computing.



Tony Howden

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