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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] RC4 Envrionments

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] RC4 Envrionments
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 09:58:20 +1000

Hi Paul,

----- Original Message -----
From: test test <address@hidden>
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2002 8:37 am
Subject: [Phpgroupware-users] RC4 Envrionments

> Good Afternoon,
> I have been reading the posting here and have noticed
> that more than a few people are having problems with
> the response times in phpGroupWare.  I too have been
> noticed that the latest release of the software seems
> slower.
> I am currently using phpGroupWare for the calendar,
> todo and notes functions in an attempt to keep from
> having to install MS Exchange or Lotus Notes.  The
> calendar is the application that is most important to
> us and the calendar seems to be the slowest
> application.

I agree calendar is slow compared to other apps, but if you look at the
amount of processing involved, its not surprising.  From what i've seen
of webbased M$ Exchange, phpGW is faster.

> I've set up a new box with a 500 mhz processor and 384
> MB of memory.  I have installed Redhat 7.3 in the
> server mode and have updated mySQL and PHP.  With only
> one person using this box on the LAN, it takes about
> 10 to 15 seconds to bring up my calendar.  If I want
> to look at someone else's calendar, it takes me
> another 10 to 15 seconds.  It takes about 5 to 10
> seconds to display an entry or change to a daily view.

I am running a daul PIII-800s, 512M RAM with RH 7.0, Apache 1.3.26, PHP
4.2.1, (not rpms) on a 100Mbit LAN.  This box also runs firewall, SMTP,
squid etc.  I am getting response times comprable (plus about 5 secs) to
your over a 56k dial up internet connections at each end, with a dozen
or so LAN users accessing the same box.  On the LAN I am running faster
than your times.

> Hsing-Foo Wang earlier wrote that he had improved
> performance by taking out the reference to the the
> rule for  Is this something that
> needs to be looked into?  If it's not too much
> trouble, I would like him to post the changes that he
> made because I would like to see what impact it had
> here.

Does your firewall allow a connection to on port 13??
 The alternative is to us the following hack.  I *think* this should fix
it ... but ... I haven't tested it properly.  Comment out the following
lines from phpgwapi/inc/
                        if(!$this->gmtnow && 
                        echo '<!-- datetime::datetime::debug: Inside network 
time -->'."\n";            
                                $error_occured = False;
                                        $GLOBALS['phpgw']->network = 
                                $server_time = time();
                                        $line = 
                                        // host:
                                        // Value returned is "Wed Jun 26 
00:32:26 2002"
                                        $array = explode(' ',$line);

                                if (sizeof($array) <> 5)
                                        $error_occured = True;
                                        // Convert to this format "15 Jul 2000 
                                        $temp_date = $array[2].' '.$array[1].' 
'.$array[4].' '.$array[3].' GMT';
                                        $this->gmtnow = 
                                        // host:
                                        // Value returned is 52384 02-04-20 
13:55:29 50 0 0   9.2 UTC(NIST) *
                                echo 'Server datetime: '.time()."<br>\n";
                                echo 'Temporary NTP datetime: '.$line."<br>\n";
                                        if ($array[5] == 4)
                                                $error_occured = True;
                                                $date = explode('-',$array[1]);
                                                $time = explode(':',$array[2]);
                                                $this->gmtnow =
+ 2000);
                                        echo 'Temporary RFC epoch: 
                                        echo 'GMT: '.date('Ymd 
change the following 
to                      if(isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['tz_offset']))

This should stop being polled, yet still function as it
should.  Sorry about the wrapping, my webmail provider is pretty crappy,
but it has other benefits.

> I would like to ask everyone who reads this to post
> the respose times that you are getting.  I would like
> to find out what others are experiencing especially
> with the calendar application.  I would also like to
> know how many people you have set up on your systems
> and what kind of memory and processor you have.

Given it to you :)  I must admit now I understand it's there and know
what its doing I am pretty happy with the daytime polling, even though I
should use a local (.au) instead of the us based one, to make it a bit
faster.  I'll change it one day.

> I think that phpGroupWare is a great application and
> I'm 100% behind the Open Source movement.  I think
> that by working together, we will finally put the
> performance issue to rest.

I agree, but I also think the daytime sync should be paramaterised to
allow people to use it if they want.  I doubt that people with fat pipes
would really notice the impact of the polling.


Dave Hall

> Thanks for your help
> Paul.
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