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Re: [Phpgroupware-users] RC4 Envrionments

From: Chris Weiss
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-users] RC4 Envrionments
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 00:15:35 +0000

>I would like to ask everyone who reads this to post
>the respose times that you are getting.  I would like
>to find out what others are experiencing especially
>with the calendar application.  I would also like to
>know how many people you have set up on your systems
>and what kind of memory and processor you have.

hm, I can't find any reference the time server in my just now updated .14 cvs

I run on a Celeron 300 w/ 256meg mem, but the box is on an OC3.  Using phpgw
over a Cable modem link 13 hops away I see 1 to 3 second responce times
(percieved) when switching apps.  I mostly use Email and a little todo, notes,
and address book, and very very little calendar.  Calendar does take noticably
longer to load, but it is by far a much larger and more complex app than any
of the others.  I typically have less than 5 users at once on this phpgw
install, but the server also runs 7 websites including 3 php/mysql message
boards, for an average of 7500 page views and 48,000 "hits" a day (acording to
webalizer). Over a cable modem I find it responsive enough.

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