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[phpGroupWare-users] Re: Missing tables in database

From: Mike
Subject: [phpGroupWare-users] Re: Missing tables in database
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 17:12:05 -0700 (MST)


many hours and tons of documents later I am able to install the version.
In fact, in operation there are some bugs in some modules, but this I think is 
related to the early release (<1.0) of the software.

Maybe these hints will help you to install phpgw without the database errors:

I don't know, which environment you are using, so maybe some of the hints are 
not fitting your needs.

1. You should follow exactly the installation procedure beginnen with download. 
If possible, download the newest version directly from your webserver (console 
login, wget
If not possible, download from this link to your local pc.
After that unzip the package by using the original folder-structure.

2. Make the cvs-update.
I tried on local windows-machines, but its not really working. For that on 
webserver in works without problem.

Go into main-folder of extracted files and call
a) export CVS_RSH=ssh
b) cvs -z6 update -dP > cvs.log

3. This will update all files in the folder-structure.
4. Copy the files to the destination (where the webserver can access).
5. Create a folder /files somewhere outside the apache-access.
This is on hosting-platform a little bit tricky, because mostly nobody knows 
about the restrictions of apache.
I place it directly under root and give right-permission 777.

6. Change your httpd.conf-files of apache (or on vhost-environment the 
vhost.conf). The open_basedir-statement should be expanded with :/files (e.g. 
open_basedir /folder1:/tmp:/files)

7. Restart apache webserver

8. Change temporaly rights of web-basedir to 777 (mostly for apache 
/domain/httpdocs (or like this).

9. Now the most important part: the SQL-preparation.
Most admin-tools like plesk, confixx, webmin don't grant full rights to 
db-users. So this step must be performed directly on server, if the admin-tool 
didn't allow this action.

Caution: using plesk or confixx: the db-Master-Admin is renamed by these tools 
from root to admin !
You need the admin-password for sql for these steps
(plesk: the same like plesk-login, confixx: mostly root-password, otherwise: 
root-password or dedicated sql-root-password).

For mySql:
a) mysqladmin -u admin -p create NAMEOFYOURDATABASE
(maybe you must enter the sql-admin-pw now)

b) mysql -u root -p (login to mysql-admin)
> grant all on NAMEOFYOURDATABASE.* to mailto:address@hidden identified by 
> exit

Caution: the GIVEAUSERNAME should not contain a minus-sign (causes problems).


10. Now you are ready.
Call in browser http://domain_of_installation/setup
(important: cookies should be enalbled for the whole session).

Now follows the header-config. Fill in all datas and then after writing that 
file you come back to config-login-screen.

Login as phpgw-admin (pw given in header-config).
1st Step: Installation of Modules (item 1).
This should now work without errors. After finish make confirmation and go to 

2nd Step: Configuration (item 2)
There you configure needed parameters
Best results, if you after finishing this click "Demo-user-install". Choose 
here a admin - users not necessary, you can make own useres after login to 

3rd Step: Language
go in, choose the additional languages and perform "add phrases"

4th Step: modules
install/deinstall your needed modules

After that, go back to config-screen and choose link "back to phpgw".
There you log in as admin (from demo-user-installation).
Define a own admin and own user(s) and work.

Hope this instructions can help you and you need not lot of hours of reading 
docs in internet.



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