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[phpGroupWare-users] Re: Missing tables in database

From: Mike
Subject: [phpGroupWare-users] Re: Missing tables in database
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 18:52:31 -0700 (MST)

the shell-access is only needed for sql.
downloading, unzipping the files can be done locally. the transfer to 
web-location via ftp.
changing permission for web-root temp. to 777 can be also done via ftp.
i don't know which environment (os, apache, sql, php) you are using, also good 
info is what kind of management-tool (plesk, confixx or whatever) you are using.

if you can create a whole database manually with full-grant-rights to this, 
then the problem should not occure.

in my case creating the missing tables manually and inserting the datas has no 
positive result. latest on login there are other tables missing or other 
fieldnames in existing tables recommented.

I think, creation-process of tables in db needs this full permissions (e.g. for 
locking db or what else).

so, if you can assign sql-admin-rights to the new database (spec. the dedicated 
user for this db) it should work.

maybe it helps if you post more informations about your environment on 

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