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Re: PSPP and excel

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: PSPP and excel
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 20:28:28 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)

Here is the way I import a spreadsheet file into pspp:

1. Using Gnumeric, I save it as a native gnumeric file.  Let us
   assume it has the name "Book1.gnumeric".

2. From PSPP, I can then import it with the command:
   GET DATA /TYPE=GNM /FILE='Book1.gnumeric'.

For simple cases it's as easy as that.  If your spreadsheet is more 
complicated, you may have to give it a /SHEET and /CELLRANGE subcommand.
See the section in the user manual entitled "Spreadsheet Files".


On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 09:17:30AM +0100, Gaia Vicenzi wrote:
     Gaia Vicenzi, Ph.D.
     psicologa psicoterapeuta cognitivo comportamentale 
     viale Golgi, 48 
     27100 Pavia
     cell. 338 3889474 
     AVVERTENZA: La presente comunicazione ? confidenziale, tutelata dal 
     professionale e strettamente riservata a chi ? esplicitamente indicato 
     destinatario della stessa. Ogni indebita diffusione, anche parziale, di 
     che la stessa contiene ed esprime, pu? essere sanzionata. 
     Dear all, i gave some trouble in importing in PSPP excel data.
     I know that there can exist three methods in order tu succed in it:
     1. Open the excel file using Gnumeric or LibreOffice.  Then save as the 
        format.  Pspp can read both gnumeric and OpenDocument spreadsheets.
     2. Using excel, save the file as comma seperated values, and import that 
     3. If it's a small dataset, a simple Copy and Paste should work.
     The 3rd doesn't work,
     I can't understand the second.
     Abou the first, I've downloaded gnumeric but, when I open PSPP, appears 
     an empty window.
     Could you help me?
     Gaia Vicenzi

     Pspp-users mailing list

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