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[PULL 03/14] gitlab: normalize indentation in edk2/opensbi rules

From: Thomas Huth
Subject: [PULL 03/14] gitlab: normalize indentation in edk2/opensbi rules
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2022 12:38:05 +0200

From: Daniel P. Berrangé <berrange@redhat.com>

The edk2/opensbi gitlab CI config was using single space indents
which is not consistent with the rest of the gitlab CI config

Signed-off-by: Daniel P. Berrangé <berrange@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>
Message-Id: <20220629170638.520630-2-berrange@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Thomas Huth <thuth@redhat.com>
 .gitlab-ci.d/edk2.yml    | 108 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 .gitlab-ci.d/opensbi.yml | 110 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 2 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.d/edk2.yml b/.gitlab-ci.d/edk2.yml
index 13d0f8b019..fbe763a282 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.d/edk2.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.d/edk2.yml
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
 # All jobs needing docker-edk2 must use the same rules it uses.
- rules: # Only run this job when ...
- - changes:
-   # this file is modified
-   - .gitlab-ci.d/edk2.yml
-   # or the Dockerfile is modified
-   - .gitlab-ci.d/edk2/Dockerfile
-   # or roms/edk2/ is modified (submodule updated)
-   - roms/edk2/*
-   when: on_success
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^edk2/' # or the branch/tag starts with 'edk2'
-   when: on_success
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /edk2/i' # or last commit description contains 
-   when: on_success
+  rules: # Only run this job when ...
+    - changes:
+        # this file is modified
+        - .gitlab-ci.d/edk2.yml
+        # or the Dockerfile is modified
+        - .gitlab-ci.d/edk2/Dockerfile
+        # or roms/edk2/ is modified (submodule updated)
+        - roms/edk2/*
+      when: on_success
+    - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^edk2/' # or the branch/tag starts with 
+      when: on_success
+    - if: '$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /edk2/i' # or last commit description 
contains 'EDK2'
+      when: on_success
- extends: .edk2_job_rules
- stage: containers
- image: docker:19.03.1
- services:
- - docker:19.03.1-dind
- variables:
-  IMAGE_TAG: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:edk2-cross-build
-  # We don't use TLS
-  DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
- before_script:
- script:
- - docker pull $IMAGE_TAG || true
- - docker build --cache-from $IMAGE_TAG --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
-                                        --tag $IMAGE_TAG .gitlab-ci.d/edk2
- - docker push $IMAGE_TAG
+  extends: .edk2_job_rules
+  stage: containers
+  image: docker:19.03.1
+  services:
+    - docker:19.03.1-dind
+  variables:
+    GIT_DEPTH: 3
+    IMAGE_TAG: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:edk2-cross-build
+    # We don't use TLS
+    DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
+  before_script:
+  script:
+    - docker pull $IMAGE_TAG || true
+    - docker build --cache-from $IMAGE_TAG --tag 
+                                           --tag $IMAGE_TAG .gitlab-ci.d/edk2
+    - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
+    - docker push $IMAGE_TAG
- extends: .edk2_job_rules
- stage: build
- needs: ['docker-edk2']
- artifacts:
-   paths: # 'artifacts.zip' will contains the following files:
-   - pc-bios/edk2*bz2
-   - pc-bios/edk2-licenses.txt
-   - edk2-stdout.log
-   - edk2-stderr.log
- image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:edk2-cross-build
- variables:
-   GIT_DEPTH: 3
- script: # Clone the required submodules and build EDK2
- - git submodule update --init roms/edk2
- - git -C roms/edk2 submodule update --init --
-     ArmPkg/Library/ArmSoftFloatLib/berkeley-softfloat-3
-     BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli
-     CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl
-     MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/brotli
- - export JOBS=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + 1))
- - echo "=== Using ${JOBS} simultaneous jobs ==="
- - make -j${JOBS} -C roms efi 2>&1 1>edk2-stdout.log | tee -a edk2-stderr.log 
+  extends: .edk2_job_rules
+  stage: build
+  needs: ['docker-edk2']
+  artifacts:
+    paths: # 'artifacts.zip' will contains the following files:
+      - pc-bios/edk2*bz2
+      - pc-bios/edk2-licenses.txt
+      - edk2-stdout.log
+      - edk2-stderr.log
+  image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:edk2-cross-build
+  variables:
+    GIT_DEPTH: 3
+  script: # Clone the required submodules and build EDK2
+    - git submodule update --init roms/edk2
+    - git -C roms/edk2 submodule update --init --
+       ArmPkg/Library/ArmSoftFloatLib/berkeley-softfloat-3
+       BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli
+       CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl
+       MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/brotli
+    - export JOBS=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + 1))
+    - echo "=== Using ${JOBS} simultaneous jobs ==="
+    - make -j${JOBS} -C roms efi 2>&1 1>edk2-stdout.log | tee -a 
edk2-stderr.log >&2
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.d/opensbi.yml b/.gitlab-ci.d/opensbi.yml
index 29a22930d1..0745ccdf10 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.d/opensbi.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.d/opensbi.yml
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
 # All jobs needing docker-opensbi must use the same rules it uses.
- rules: # Only run this job when ...
- - changes:
-   # this file is modified
-   - .gitlab-ci.d/opensbi.yml
-   # or the Dockerfile is modified
-   - .gitlab-ci.d/opensbi/Dockerfile
-   when: on_success
- - changes: # or roms/opensbi/ is modified (submodule updated)
-   - roms/opensbi/*
-   when: on_success
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^opensbi/' # or the branch/tag starts with 
-   when: on_success
- - if: '$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /opensbi/i' # or last commit description 
contains 'OpenSBI'
-   when: on_success
+  rules: # Only run this job when ...
+    - changes:
+        # this file is modified
+        - .gitlab-ci.d/opensbi.yml
+        # or the Dockerfile is modified
+        - .gitlab-ci.d/opensbi/Dockerfile
+      when: on_success
+    - changes: # or roms/opensbi/ is modified (submodule updated)
+        - roms/opensbi/*
+      when: on_success
+    - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME =~ /^opensbi/' # or the branch/tag starts with 
+      when: on_success
+    - if: '$CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /opensbi/i' # or last commit description 
contains 'OpenSBI'
+      when: on_success
- extends: .opensbi_job_rules
- stage: containers
- image: docker:19.03.1
- services:
- - docker:19.03.1-dind
- variables:
-  IMAGE_TAG: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:opensbi-cross-build
-  # We don't use TLS
-  DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
- before_script:
- script:
- - docker pull $IMAGE_TAG || true
- - docker build --cache-from $IMAGE_TAG --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
-                                        --tag $IMAGE_TAG .gitlab-ci.d/opensbi
- - docker push $IMAGE_TAG
+  extends: .opensbi_job_rules
+  stage: containers
+  image: docker:19.03.1
+  services:
+    - docker:19.03.1-dind
+  variables:
+    GIT_DEPTH: 3
+    IMAGE_TAG: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:opensbi-cross-build
+    # We don't use TLS
+    DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
+  before_script:
+  script:
+    - docker pull $IMAGE_TAG || true
+    - docker build --cache-from $IMAGE_TAG --tag 
+                                           --tag $IMAGE_TAG 
+    - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA
+    - docker push $IMAGE_TAG
- extends: .opensbi_job_rules
- stage: build
- needs: ['docker-opensbi']
- artifacts:
-   paths: # 'artifacts.zip' will contains the following files:
-   - pc-bios/opensbi-riscv32-generic-fw_dynamic.bin
-   - pc-bios/opensbi-riscv64-generic-fw_dynamic.bin
-   - opensbi32-generic-stdout.log
-   - opensbi32-generic-stderr.log
-   - opensbi64-generic-stdout.log
-   - opensbi64-generic-stderr.log
- image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:opensbi-cross-build
- variables:
-   GIT_DEPTH: 3
- script: # Clone the required submodules and build OpenSBI
- - git submodule update --init roms/opensbi
- - export JOBS=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + 1))
- - echo "=== Using ${JOBS} simultaneous jobs ==="
- - make -j${JOBS} -C roms/opensbi clean
- - make -j${JOBS} -C roms opensbi32-generic 2>&1 
1>opensbi32-generic-stdout.log | tee -a opensbi32-generic-stderr.log >&2
- - make -j${JOBS} -C roms/opensbi clean
- - make -j${JOBS} -C roms opensbi64-generic 2>&1 
1>opensbi64-generic-stdout.log | tee -a opensbi64-generic-stderr.log >&2
+  extends: .opensbi_job_rules
+  stage: build
+  needs: ['docker-opensbi']
+  artifacts:
+    paths: # 'artifacts.zip' will contains the following files:
+      - pc-bios/opensbi-riscv32-generic-fw_dynamic.bin
+      - pc-bios/opensbi-riscv64-generic-fw_dynamic.bin
+      - opensbi32-generic-stdout.log
+      - opensbi32-generic-stderr.log
+      - opensbi64-generic-stdout.log
+      - opensbi64-generic-stderr.log
+  image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:opensbi-cross-build
+  variables:
+    GIT_DEPTH: 3
+  script: # Clone the required submodules and build OpenSBI
+    - git submodule update --init roms/opensbi
+    - export JOBS=$(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + 1))
+    - echo "=== Using ${JOBS} simultaneous jobs ==="
+    - make -j${JOBS} -C roms/opensbi clean
+    - make -j${JOBS} -C roms opensbi32-generic 2>&1 
1>opensbi32-generic-stdout.log | tee -a opensbi32-generic-stderr.log >&2
+    - make -j${JOBS} -C roms/opensbi clean
+    - make -j${JOBS} -C roms opensbi64-generic 2>&1 
1>opensbi64-generic-stdout.log | tee -a opensbi64-generic-stderr.log >&2

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