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[Qemu-ppc] Unable to install CentOS7 ppc64le due to checksum mismatches

From: Brian Groose
Subject: [Qemu-ppc] Unable to install CentOS7 ppc64le due to checksum mismatches
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2019 17:27:07 -0400

I'm trying to install CentOS 7 ppc64le using qemu-system-ppc64.  The
installer starts up but it always complains that the checksums on the
rpm repository files are wrong (for example,

Normally, I'd say this was a bad download, but if I switch to a
terminal in the qemu VM, I can run sha256sum on the same file on disk
and I get the correct hash (in the example above, the hash is embedded
in the file name).  Almost like the installer is somehow getting it
wrong.  I tried several version of the CentOS 7 ISO with the same
results, as well as a netinstall.

I was able to successfully install SuSE 12 SP0, but SuSE 12 SP1 and
beyond complain about checksum mismatches the same as CentOS 7, and I
can successfully verify the files in the VM have the correct checksum
with sha256sum as well.

Any suggestions for what I can try here?

I've tried this on Windows (3.1.50) and OS X (4.0.0) with the same results.

I'm starting the VM like this:
qemu-system-ppc64 -cdrom CentOS-7-ppc64le-Minimal-1810.iso -m 4g
-drive file=disk0.qcow2 -cpu power8

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