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The Espeak bug is back (suddenly switching to English)

From: Hynek Hanke
Subject: The Espeak bug is back (suddenly switching to English)
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 14:04:24 +0100

Hermann napsal(a):
> Sorry, but now there are crashes in SD when quickly scrolling through a 
> file. The language doesn't switch anymore.
> I attach the error messages in speechd.log.

Hello Hermann,

could you please send espeak.log for the crash (with Debug set
to 1 in espeak.conf)? What audio output are you using (pulse, oss or

I couldn't reproduce the problem with espeak 1.31.11. Could you
please tell us how do you reproduce the bug (which application etc.).

It could be a problem in the speech dispatcher module, in espeak
itself or in the audio output.

Thank you,
Hynek Hanke

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