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Re: [STUMP] Revitalizing StumpWM

From: yggdrasil
Subject: Re: [STUMP] Revitalizing StumpWM
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 22:45:33 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

Hi David,

Thanks for taking the initiative volunteering some TLC to stumpwm! I am
sorry not being able to contribute in a more proactive way than lauding
your initiative, with no bugs filed and no code to pull. As I can't see
myself using another WM all efforts to maintain and improve it is very
much appreciated.

Alex Kost posted some code for floating groups on 2/1 that I am sure
would be useful for floating groups though, although I haven't tested it
myself. Floating groaps in stumpwm could surely use some more tweaks,
but I use it rarely, and understandably this may not be a priority for a
tiling WM. Thinking of it, the resizing behaviour is a bit funny
(0.9.7-80), in that the cursor "jumps" to the corner when resizing. Also
the focus setting of windows would be nice (I think Alex's patch deals
with this), but more of a convenience function.

Feel free to ignore my comments, the main point I want to convey is a
big thanks to you, Shawn, and all other contributors for the efforts!


David Bjergaard <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi all,
> I know there's a handful (fistful?) of people who are happily using
> stumpwm, but the git repo has been stagnant for a long time.  Shawn has
> added me as a maintainer on github and I'm working through the open pull
> requests as I have time.
> While my experience hacking a window-manager is relatively limited, I
> have some ideas that may add some new life to StumpWM.  
> First and foremost, I want to reorganize some of the information on the
> wiki so that it matches the state of the repo.  This didn't happen in
> the since the wiki was imported from OddMuse two years ago.  
> Second, I want to get an idea for which bugs are still out in the wild
> and which were fixed but never closed.  To this end, I want the
> bug/issue tracking to happen on github.  If you've filed a bug report in
> the past and it hasn't been addressed please open a new one on github.
> I will be removing the Bugs portion of the wiki and adding instructions
> on how to file bug reports when I get time.
> Once we get any outstanding bugs squashed, I want to release a 0.98
> version, as the best, stable representation of the current head of git.
> After that we can start active development again.  I would like to
> change the way plugins are organized, as well as some simple
> improvements to the build-system (including a bootstrap script to
> install quicklisp and stumpwm's prereq's for instance)
> Shawn's philosophy for StumpWM is a "everything-and-the-kitchen-sink
> WM,"  or "the emacs of WMs." There's a lot of (under advertised) contrib
> modules that various hackers have contributed in the contrib/
> directory.  I would like to take a page from emacs' contribution
> management and have each plugin author maintain his/her own code and
> we'll include a pointer to it from the wiki.  This way there's no issues
> with contrib requests not getting pulled in, and the energy barrier for
> writing a plugin will be much lower.  I'm not (yet) envisioning
> something like package.el, that's too much right now. Eventually it
> would be nice to have a script or chunk of code that could iterate over 
> the contrib repositories and pull in the latest changes.
> What do you guys think? Please let me know how this sounds or if you
> have any ideas on what the future of StumpWM should be.  Also, please
> know that pull requests are *very* welcome. I will do my best to respond
> (either with a merge) or questions quickly.
> Cheers,
>     Dave
> Hi all,
> I know there's a handful (fistful?) of people who are happily using
> stumpwm, but the git repo has been stagnant for a long time.  Shawn has
> added me as a maintainer on github and I'm working through the open pull
> requests as I have time.
> While my experience hacking a window-manager is relatively limited, I
> have some ideas that may add some new life to StumpWM.  
> First and foremost, I want to reorganize some of the information on the
> wiki so that it matches the state of the repo.  This didn't happen in
> the since the wiki was imported from OddMuse two years ago.  
> Second, I want to get an idea for which bugs are still out in the wild
> and which were fixed but never closed.  To this end, I want the
> bug/issue tracking to happen on github.  If you've filed a bug report in
> the past and it hasn't been addressed please open a new one on github.
> I will be removing the Bugs portion of the wiki and adding instructions
> on how to file bug reports when I get time.
> Once we get any outstanding bugs squashed, I want to release a 0.98
> version, as the best, stable representation of the current head of git.
> After that we can start active development again.  I would like to
> change the way plugins are organized, as well as some simple
> improvements to the build-system (including a bootstrap script to
> install quicklisp and stumpwm's prereq's for instance)
> Shawn's philosophy for StumpWM is a "everything-and-the-kitchen-sink
> WM,"  or "the emacs of WMs." There's a lot of (under advertised) contrib
> modules that various hackers have contributed in the contrib/
> directory.  I would like to take a page from emacs' contribution
> management and have each plugin author maintain his/her own code and
> we'll include a pointer to it from the wiki.  This way there's no issues
> with contrib requests not getting pulled in, and the energy barrier for
> writing a plugin will be much lower.  I'm not (yet) envisioning
> something like package.el, that's too much right now. Eventually it
> would be nice to have a script or chunk of code that could iterate over 
> the contrib repositories and pull in the latest changes.
> What do you guys think? Please let me know how this sounds or if you
> have any ideas on what the future of StumpWM should be.  Also, please
> know that pull requests are *very* welcome. I will do my best to respond
> (either with a merge) or questions quickly.
> Cheers,
>     Dave
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> Stumpwm-devel mailing list
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