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Spatial organization of windows in StumpWM

From: Russell Adams
Subject: Spatial organization of windows in StumpWM
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2022 20:11:42 +0100

I composed a short video about using spatial groups in StumpWM to
share. I've tried to explain the idea of spatial grouping before on
IRC, and I felt a demonstration would be clearer.

Please pardon the rough edges. I'm not starting a Youtube channel,
just trying to have a conversation about how to manage windows and
groups in Stump.

Spatial grouping abuses Stump's ability to dynamically create groups
to create a sparse 3d array of groups, visualized as multiple desktops
of a 2d grid of screens. Hotkeys use arrows to navigate the grid and
swap desktops in a way which emulates a larger physical screen

Using this method allows me to group windows by project, adjacent to
each other. This allows absolute navigation to each window, as opposed
to relative navigation (ie: alt-tab).

I'm not grouping related application windows on the same screen, but
rather organizing patterns of groups to keep related application
windows cognitively near each other. I still may use splits and tile
windows within a screen, but not as often.

I'm hoping to inspire further discussion on the matter. Critically, I
have not tested multiple monitor support.

 Spatial groups use a 3d coordinate system: “x,y,z”
 Valid groups are “0,0,0”, “-1,2,0”, etc.
 Z is used as the desktop index

 Control-Shift-{Left,Right}: Change desktop (Z axis)
 Control-Arrows: Navigate virtual screens on current desktop
 Control-Shift-Up: Return to 0,0 on current desktop (Z)
 Shift-Arrows: Navigate splits on current screen group

Relevant code:


(ql:quickload 'cl-ppcre)

(in-package :stumpwm)

;; change the prefix key to something else
(set-prefix-key (kbd "s-."))

;; fix scroll wheel?
(setf (getenv "GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS") "1")

;; early define global vars
(defparameter *z-cursors* '()
  "Association list of groups by Z coordinate for preserving last position on 
that plane.")

(defparameter *last-cursor* NIL
  "Previous group for popping back.")

;; Change focus
(set-focus-color "darkblue") ;; Set the border around the current frame
(setf *suppress-frame-indicator* t) ;; Stop the popup on the current frame

;; Modeline settings
(enable-mode-line (current-screen) (current-head) t)
(setf *mode-line-timeout* 60)
(setf *screen-mode-line-format* (list "[^B%n^b] %d |" "| %W"))

;; Shift arrows between adjacent windows
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-Up")    "move-focus up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-Down")  "move-focus down")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-Left")  "move-focus left")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "S-Right") "move-focus right")

;; Control arrows between groups
(defcommand coord-left      () () (coord-group-change -1  0  0))
(defcommand coord-right     () () (coord-group-change  1  0  0))
(defcommand coord-up        () () (coord-group-change  0  1  0))
(defcommand coord-down      () () (coord-group-change  0 -1  0))
(defcommand coord-taskleft  () () (coord-group-change  0  0 -1))
(defcommand coord-taskright () () (coord-group-change  0  0  1))

;; return to 0,0 on the current taskplane as a shortcut to return to the core 
(defcommand coord-taskorigin () ()
    (my-find-group (current-screen)
                   (format nil "~{~a~^,~}" (list 0 0 (parse-integer (third 
(cl-ppcre:split "," (group-name (current-group)))))))))))

;; pop back to last location
(defcommand coord-taskpop () () (when *last-cursor* (my-gselect *last-cursor*)))

(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-Left")    "coord-left")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-Right")   "coord-right")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-Up")      "coord-up")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-Down")    "coord-down")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-S-Left")  "coord-taskleft")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-S-Right") "coord-taskright")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-S-Up")    "coord-taskorigin")
(define-key *top-map* (kbd "C-S-Down")  "coord-taskpop")

(define-key *top-map* (kbd "s-S-SPC") "fullscreen")

;; Groups will manage the coordinate system
;; format: 0,0,0 with positive and negative numbers
;; create groups on the fly as needed
;; only supports one screen atm, would like multimonitor support later

(gnew "0,0,0") ; create origin on startup

(defun my-find-group (screen name)
  (find name (screen-groups screen) :key 'group-name :test 'string=))

(defun my-gselect (name)
  "Preserve prior location for pop, and handle when group is new"
  (setf *last-cursor* (group-name (current-group)))
  (gselect (group-name
          (or (my-find-group (current-screen) name)
          (gnew name)))))

(defun coord-group-change (xo yo zo)
  "Navigate a 3d array of groups using x,y,z coordinates by passing the offset 
of the change."
  (let* ((current-coords
          (mapcar #'parse-integer
                  (cl-ppcre:split "," (group-name (current-group)))))
         (new-coords (mapcar #'+ current-coords (list xo yo zo)))
         (new-group-name (format nil "~{~a~^,~}" new-coords)) )

    (if (= 0 zo)

        ;; Not changing taskplanes, so just move by coordinates
        (my-gselect new-group-name)

        ;; Changing Z across taskplanes, RESTORE z-cursor for that plane
        (let ((old-z (third current-coords))
              (new-z (third new-coords)))

          (if (assoc old-z *z-cursors*)
              (setf (cdr (assoc old-z *z-cursors*)) (current-group))
              (push (cons old-z (current-group)) *z-cursors*))

          (let ((z-cursor (cdr (or (assoc new-z *z-cursors*) '(nil . nil)))))
            (if z-cursor
                ;; Restore saved location
                (my-gselect (group-name z-cursor))
                ;; create new taskplane
                (my-gselect new-group-name)))))))

(defun my-startup () (my-gselect "0,0,0"))

(when *initializing* (my-startup))

Russell Adams                  

PGP Key ID:     0x1160DCB3 

Fingerprint:    1723 D8CA 4280 1EC9 557F  66E8 1154 E018 1160 DCB3

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