I was authorized by Gregory Casamento to send a few ideas; I got the confirmation yesterday, so I apologize for delaying this today.
- URL to your project's homepage.
- A paragraph describing your project.
GNUstep is a console, desktop and web application development framework for development using Objective-C. It is based on OPENSTEP specification, and is today interested in achieving compatibility with Apple's Cocoa set of frameworks. GNUstep consists of gnustep-base (classes for strings, arrays, dictionaries, timers, sockets, et al), gnustep-gui (classes for windows, buttons, textboxes, et al), gnustep-make (a build system) as well as an assortment of development utilities and bonus libraries.
- Title for the idea.
Improve Core Animation implementation and integrate it into AppKit
- A paragraph describing the idea.
During summer of code 2012, Core Animation has been implemented for GNUstep. During summer of code 2013, Core Graphics backend has been implemented for GNUstep using our library Opal. In order to improve compatibility with Cocoa, as well as make it easier to implement modern-looking applications for GNUstep, a student should integrate CALayer with NSView and improve Core Animation where required.
This would also make it possible to use Chameleon, an implementation of UIKit, with GNUstep.
- Contact point for students interested in the idea (usually
development mailing list).
- Title for the idea.
Improve Core Animation implementation and implement UIKit
- A paragraph describing the idea.
During summer of code 2012, Core Animation has been implemented for GNUstep. During summer of code 2013, Core Graphics backend has been implemented for GNUstep using our library Opal. In order to attract more developers to free platforms, as well as expand availability of touch-enabled applications, a student should create a UIKit-compatible user interface library and improve Core Animation implementation where necessary.
- Contact point for students interested in the idea (usually
development mailing list).
I hope to be able to provide advice to students for these two ideas, either as a formal mentor or informally. If it's not going to be me, we'll find another contributor to take over the role.
If appropriate, feel free to note that we are definitely open to other ideas from students. These happen to be the ones that I personally am interested in.