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Re: [swarm-hackers] Heatbug & Documentation

From: Bill Northcott
Subject: Re: [swarm-hackers] Heatbug & Documentation
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 13:23:18 +1100

On 09/11/2009, at 12:54 PM, Nima Talebi wrote:
As part of getting intimate with Swarm, I've decided to do the following:

1. Branch Heatbugs (probably into Git)

I have some reservations about Git. Yes it's cool, but it does seem to lead to endless branching and a situation where it is very difficult for users as opposed to hackers to find out what is going on. I have wasted much time on other projects following dead Git branches.

I am not sure what the others think.

2. Rewrite relevant parts of http://www.swarm.org/swarmdocs-2.2/ inline in the code, using HeaderDoc - for example:

/*! @discussion Tutor
The first section of code says that a HeatbugModelSwarm is a kind of Swarm. HeatbugModelSwarm inherits a lot of behavior from generic Swarm, but also adds new variables and methods.
All such discussion will be labelled "Tutor"

Rewrite all existing comments as HeaderDoc comments, and regenerate a new document.

Once I get places, I'll send in some links, but meanwhile, if anyone has any suggestions which they'd like me to take on-board, I'm all ears :)

There is already a documentation system which generates the Objective- C and Java Reference Manuals. It is part of the same LISP code that generates the sources for the Java (and COM?) glue. IMO it works and there I can't see a compelling reason to change it.

It might be better to check that all the code includes the appropriate comment lines to generate the docs, and then build a 2.3 or 3.0 alpha reference. The Ruby principle is that documentation and tests are part of the code.

Note: I will not touch the Heatbugs source in subversion at all for now.

For what it is worth, I would rather see a Swarm 3 branch in SVN with an alpha release of runtime independent code, preferable without the nested functions.


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