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Re: [swarm-hackers] Still learning the framework...

From: Nima Talebi
Subject: Re: [swarm-hackers] Still learning the framework...
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 21:07:06 +1100

Hi Scott,

Sounds good...

On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Scott Christley <address@hidden> wrote:

On Nov 19, 2009, at 12:51 AM, Nima Talebi wrote:

I see - so If I was going to follow your latter model, I would change my "world" (HeatSpace) not inherit from Diffuse2d, but instead manage a hash of grids, each concerned with one property?

What class is your grid controller derived from?  Do you then just use an NSDictionary to manage them?  And am I correct the this class then provides a service like so...

Yes. NSObject. Yes.

- cellOnGrid:(GridType)gT atPosition(Position)s;

and similar, but the grids have a name so you retrieve a grid by asking for it by name

- gridWithName: (NSString *)aName;

...One thing I haven't quite understood is what you mean by spatial scale?

Do all your grids managed by the grid manager have the same dimension and cardinality? For example, say one grid is a 2D 120x140, is it then imposed that all grids should also be 2D 120x140?

No, they can have different dimension.  Right now I only support integer scale differences, for example one grid as scale=1 might be 120x140 while another grid at scale=2 would be 240x280.  However I assume they cover the same physical area, but I might want to use a finer or coarse grid for representation.  Typically the use of a finer grid might be a requirement for accuracy.  For example, biological cells are much much larger than individual proteins, like on a scale 10000:1 so using the same grid resolution for both cells and proteins would likely be very inaccurate for the proteins.

Spatial scale - you're referring to one grid to be holding values in nanometers, and the other is in micrograms for example?

Yeah except micrograms isn't a unit of length, it is a unit of mass, but the idea is right.
What difference does it make though? I may use 1 grid to store radioactiviry in some space, doesn't have to be length, can be any property - why would there be a restriction on what data the grid stores?  Say grid one is 120x130, and grid two is 2400x2600, so 20x resolution of the first, and then the first stores - say height of land from sea level, and the second stores radioactive readings of uranium.



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Nima Talebi
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