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now *only* missing a symbol

From: daniel kottow
Subject: now *only* missing a symbol
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 18:09:06 +0100

> Unfortunately, I need to work on something else right now [about ready
> to take the phone off the hook!], and so I can't make a Python test

ok. i will give it a try myself and hopefully we can continue this later,
like next year.
but, maybe you can keep trying to help me getting swarm vs. xpcom working,
at least principally.
i installed the swarm dist, updated LD_LIBRARY_PATH and it does make a
now i get:

nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering begins.
Load FAILED with error: undefined symbol: 
swarmISimpleRandomGenerator*, swarmIPoissonDist**)

and indeed, the autogenerated file swarmPoissonDistImpl.cpp only implements
one function named Create_setGenerator which takes a generic distribution
as third argument...

Daniel Kottow                                    address@hidden
Security and Testing Technology                 
Production Technology Centre                     Pascalstr. 8 - 9
Fraunhofer-Institut IPK Berlin                   D - 10587 Berlin

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