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Re: [Synaptic-devel] Distribution switch in main window

From: Jens Hatlak
Subject: Re: [Synaptic-devel] Distribution switch in main window
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:58:59 (CEST)
User-agent: myJunetz Webmail 1.01

Sebastian Heinlein <address@hidden> wrote:
Synaptic has to rebuild the package cache when you change the default
distribution. This can take a couple of seconds. Do you think this is

Yes, definitely. And it is quite consistent: It also takes some time when you search for something, do an "Update" or whatever.

Reloading the package cache also includes the loss of all not yet
applied changes. So I would vote against adding simple combobox.

Your argumentation is right but I disagree with your conclusion. Please
keep in mind that I always wanted this feature only to be avaialable to
users in Expert mode. In my opinion I think it's OK to expect an expert to
know what he's doing.

Furthermore I don't know how synapitc should realize if a user is an
expert or not? :)

I'm currently running Windows but if I remember correctly, there already is
a switch for the Expert mode which has to be activated in order to see the
Expert tab in the preferences. The state of that switch should control if
one can activate the distribution switch as well. The feature should be off
by default and activatable in the Expert tab.

May I ask you why you always switch your debian distru? Installing a
package from unstable should also include the installation of
dependencies from unstable.

If I remember correctly, that doesn't work all too well (I will re-check
that the next time I boot Linux). Further more, KDE for example consists of
dozens of packages and if I want to partly upgrade it, it's much easier to
completely switch to unstable for a moment and see all avaialable packages
with their unstable versions, dependencies etc. than trying to install a
single unstable package while using the testing distribution.

I think that features should be implemented in a "right" (consistent)
way and not in a request/quick-hack-manner.

Agreed, generally. But I don't really see where the problem is. No-one ever
wanted to have that feature available for users who don't know exactly what
they're doing. But for users who do know, it's a huge simplification -
IMHO, of course.

It there again in 0.52 under "Packages/Force Version".

OK, but that is rather hard to access, UI-wise.

There is also still room to improve the dialog. E.g. we could replace
the combobox by radio buttons.

The problem is not the combobox but the location: the dialog. I have set
the package properties to appear in the main window and I liked the old
behaviour (radio buttons directly accessible in the main window) very much.
Banning this option away to a dialog forces me to take the long way through
the menu - it's the same with the distribution switch: In my opinion,
often-used features should be accessible easily. A dialog takes away the
focus from the main window. Unless I cannot do anything else anyway while
it's open (Update, Apply), I don't like this kind of disruption from the
normal work flow - which happens within the main window.



Jens Hatlak <>
Jugendnetz Frankfurt Adminteam <>
Akronyme: Abkürzungen wie ROTFL oder LOL <>

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