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Re: [Taler] sandcastle-ng: setup-sandcastle fails.

From: Florian Dold
Subject: Re: [Taler] sandcastle-ng: setup-sandcastle fails.
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2024 21:54:36 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

This has been fixed now in sandcastle-ng.git. A helper process wasn't started, causing the merchant to fail to contact the exchange (and thus reporting that none of the configured exchange can be used).

I've also filed a bug to improve the error reporting for this in the future:

- Florian

On 12/10/24 6:53 PM, Hartmut Goebel wrote:
Am 10.12.24 um 10:57 schrieb Hartmut Goebel:

Okay, I did "sandcastle-plow all" and also delete the credentials directory. This solved the issue.

Anyhow, there is a next one :-(

When trying to create an order using the "sandbox" merchant, I get

{'code': 2509,
'detail': 'iban',
'hint': 'The backend does not trust any exchange that would allow funds to be '         'wired to any bank account of this instance using the wire method '         'specified with the order. Note that right now, we do not support the '         'use of exchange bank accounts with mandatory currency conversion.'}

I checked: the "bank" is configured for this merchant, and things don't change when reconfiguring.

And this is the log

(…SENT8) INFO Handling request (POST) for URL '/instances/sandbox/ private/orders'
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 0
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 1
(…SENT8) INFO Assigning order ID `2024.345-00E4BHRJHPH66' server-side
(…SENT8) INFO Refund delay is zero, no refunds are possible for this order
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 2
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 3
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 4
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 5
(…SENT8) INFO Order total is KUDOS:10, trying to find exchanges
(…SENT8) INFO Trying to find chosen exchange `http:// exchange.taler.localhost:4321/' (…SENT8) INFO Waiting for `http://exchange.taler.localhost:4321/keys' already, failing query instantly (…SENT8) INFO Still trying to (re)load http:// exchange.taler.localhost:4321/keys (…SENT8) INFO Returning key data for http:// exchange.taler.localhost:4321/ instantly (…SENT8) INFO Processing find operations for `http:// exchange.taler.localhost:4321/' (…SENT8) WARNING Failed to download http:// exchange.taler.localhost:4321/keys (…SENT8) INFO Resuming order processing after /keys downloads (now have 0 accounts)
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 5
(…SENT8) INFO Order total is KUDOS:10, trying to find exchanges
(…SENT8) INFO Forcing download of http://exchange.taler.localhost:4321/keys
(…SENT8) INFO Trying to find chosen exchange `http:// exchange.taler.localhost:4321/' (…SENT8) INFO Next http://exchange.taler.localhost:4321/keys request scheduled for Tue Dec 10 17:35:00 2024 (…SENT8) INFO Still trying to (re)load http:// exchange.taler.localhost:4321/keys (…SENT8) INFO Executing command `NOTIFY XR6BNXXWQKRDEAV03WAS555TQGE98215A7CKH4A0JJDY7B8W6023G, 'D1T78W1T5WQPAY33D1GPWSV55ST62V35E8Q6RVV3C5P6GVVKEGX38CSJ64QG0''
(…SENT8) INFO PG poll job active
(…SENT8) INFO PG poll job finishes after 0 events
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 5
(…SENT8) INFO Order total is KUDOS:10, trying to find exchanges
(…SENT8) WARNING Cannot create order: lacking trusted exchanges
(…SENT8) INFO Processing order in phase 11
(…SENT8) INFO Finished processing order (1)
(…SENT8) INFO Request for `/instances/sandbox/private/orders' completed with HTTP status 409 (0)

Hartmut Goebel

| Hartmut Goebel          |h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com               |
|www.crazy-compilers.com | compilers which you thought are impossible |

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