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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Newcomer to TCC (and C) with a couple ofquestions..

From: lostgallifreyan
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Newcomer to TCC (and C) with a couple ofquestions..
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 19:24:05 +0100

KHMan <address@hidden> wrote:
(03/04/2009 10:15)

>Apart from the links to Win32 help files that grischka has 
>mentioned, a alternative that is a little more up-to-date is the 
>"PlatformSDK_Svr2003R2_rtm" ISO (just do a Google search). It's 
>nicely packaged (self-contained, unlike a lot of other similar 
>downloads) and small (~400MB) compared to the latest SDKs (>1GB). 
>It installs MSDN-style Win32 API documentation that uses a 
>CHM-like browser, good enough if you are not aiming for the latest 
>APIs (it has pre-Win2K info up to WinXP info, but no Vista) and 
>does not want to use MSVC++ Express.

Thanks, I'll probably get that. Though I like the earlier help because it's 
smaller, and uses things I know will run on all Win32 without me having to 
worry about that. And did I say it was smaller? :) CHM is nice though, I find 
them easier to navigate than most docs.

>Given the lack of knowledge of the OP in these nitty-gritty 
>details, I would like to suggest that the OP use a standard C/C++ 
>compiler like MinGW on Win32. Say as a beginner, you just want to 
>write an application, so do stick to a compiler that is already 
>well-tested like MinGW (on Win32), or say you want to write an app 
>really quickly, you can use the wxLua that was mentioned earlier 
>(which uses wxWidgets, a good commercial-quality and mature 
>cross-platform widget set, and you develop in C++).
>But of course, if the OP has unlimited amounts of time at his 
>disposal, by all means try TCC and help with the development and 
>use of TCC. I am a little worried that the OP might be trying to 
>bite off more than he can chew -- if he is new to C, then I don't 
>think he should be using TCC at all, it's not a production-quality 
>compiler. Stick to the ubiquitous gcc.

wxDec-C++ has gcc in it, and does C++, so I won't be solely using TCC, but I 
like TCC, and its ability to compile Lua is crucial, it means that lua scripts 
compiled by Lua2c (itself written in Lua) can be compiled by TCC to require a 
Lua.dll also compiled by TCC. This is elegant stuff, for distributing small 
console-based tools that only need basic file system accesses. It's also a good 
incentive to learn C by examining the translations Lua2c prepares. Further, I 
wonder if maybe a wxLua dll exists, that might allow me to write scripts 
compiled to C that run with that DLL. (Though I guess this a reach too far, 
unless Lua2c can cope with the various instructions aimed at wxLua...)

TCC does something nice I can already use, so I SHOULD be using it, no? :) I'm 
just wondering how far I might take it. I won't be selling code so I don't mind 
taking unusual paths.

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