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RE: [Tinycc-devel] Staging for -m32 option

From: Henry Kroll
Subject: RE: [Tinycc-devel] Staging for -m32 option
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2010 05:37:40 -0800

On Mon, 2010-12-06 at 11:50 +0100, Christian Jullien wrote:
> Hello Henry,
> I personally vote for a unique binary and multiple 32/64 libs that can
> generate either 32 or 64 bit using -m32/-m64 flag with -m32 mode be the
> default.
> The binary itself can be 32 or 64 bit. (i.e. the 32bit tcc version accepts
> -m64 as well).
This one is much less horrible. Just create a link to tcc.exe on other

All it does, or should do:
* Right now just -m32 for 64 bit *nix/win
* Only adds code to 64 bit version
* Uses the operating system to call the 32 bit version after cleanup
* Operating system gives "file not found" if it fails.
* Warns unsupported if -Wunsupported is set.

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