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Re: [Tinycc-devel] Compiling for Windows 32 Executable

From: Mike
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] Compiling for Windows 32 Executable
Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 13:18:37 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120614 Thunderbird/13.0.1

EXEs and DLLs in MS Windows are PE files. ELFs are on other operating systems, not MS Windows. Except...: TCC's object files (*.o) are actually in ELF format. But, when TCC finnalyy creates an EXE or DLL, it's in PE format. TCC just uses ELF format as a temporary code storage format, for object files only.

If that's a regular mS WINDOWs command line, the (*) askterisk wont expand, I think.

If that's an MSYS command line, the command should work mostly. I spot a mistake, though. The -r switch makes the output be a object file, not EXE or DLL (hence making an ELF file). Look at the documentation for the -r switch. I'd take the -r switch out, then you're fine.

On 7/3/2012 11:20 AM, Kate Stedman wrote:
Forgive me if this is too trivial or has been posted before but I’m
going cross-eyed searching Google.

I am trying to create a Windows 32 executable using the TinyCC compiler.
My code is split across 34 small .c files and I want to compile and link
it to run in a command prompt in Windows.

I am trying to invoke tcc from the command line :

C:>tcc\tcc -r SOURCE\*.c -o DOWNLOAD\VMonitor.exe –v

(tcc version 0.9.25)

The output .exe is not a Win32 executable file beginning with a
so-called "MZ" header, followed by a so-called "PE" header – it seems to
be an .elf file format. I have used this compiler with a single .c file
creating a Windows 32 format executable before with success.

What have I done wrong and what is the solution if there is one ?

Thank you




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