Hello all,
Jean-Claude articulates concerns I have felt as well. Sometimes we'll get a series of ridiculous commits from hitherto unknown programmers trying to "help". Sometimes we get commits from people trying to extend tcc's behavior beyond its core intent. Other times core hackers (OK, mostly just grishka) push a series of commits, some of which are brilliant and others of which are inappropriate and highly opinionated. (Overall I am glad to have grishka's contributions, but they always seem to come with a bit of avoidable pain.)
I would be happy to see this project moved
out of a mob branch on
repo.or.cz, and managed on a site that provides facilities for collaborative programming. My experience is with github, but I don't care if it's there or somewhere else. I would just like to have contributions submitted as pull requests, and managed by one or two gatekeepers. If there is significant interest in this, I'm sure that we can start a grass-roots group. This is open source, after all. :-)
So, are Jean-Claude and I mostly alone in this, or do others feel similarly?