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Re: [Tinycc-devel] sugar fork

From: Christian Jullien
Subject: Re: [Tinycc-devel] sugar fork
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 17:54:38 +0200

Why don’t you use mod surrounded by amalgamation technic?

I doubt someone protest if you ad few TCC_AMALGATION feature test to not include files you’re already manually include.


#if !defined(TCC_AMALGATION)

#include “…”



My OpenLisp has such target which looks like:






        @echo Making temporary $(AMALGAMATION).c

        @rm -f $(AMALGAMATION).c

        @cat $(SOURCES) main.c > $(AMALGAMATION).c



        @echo Making $(AMALGAMATION)$(EXE) from temporary $(AMALGAMATION).c

        @cp $(AMALGAMATION).c /tmp

        @(cd /tmp; $(CC) -DOL_AMALGAMATION $(CFLAGS) \

               $(AMALGAMATION).c -o $@ $(LIBS) $(LIBRARIES) $(LDFLAGS))

        @echo Deleting temporary $(AMALGAMATION).c

        @rm $(AMALGAMATION).c


As you can see, temporary /tmp/amalgamation.c (2.5 Mbytes) is sufficient to compile OpenLisp and no .h is required.


From: Tinycc-devel [mailto:tinycc-devel-bounces+eligis=orange.fr@nongnu.org] On Behalf Of Antonio Prates
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2020 16:25
To: tinycc-devel@nongnu.org
Subject: [Tinycc-devel] sugar fork



I was very happy to find out that the mob branch of tcc is being updated and seems to be working fine across linux and mac (where I tried so far).


I am just passing by to let you know I have forked tcc (mostly for fun), but also to make changes in the direction of my own interest, which is having a all in one include H file with a few additional helper functions to ease out using C as a scripting language mostly to be used together with bash scripts.


It's still in an early stage, but I was able to change the behaviour of tinyC to make it run in memory as default behaviour instead of outputting to a file, even without the '-run' directive. And also added a few other cosmetic and usability driven minor improvements mostly on the basic help section and options.

Also did add a script that helps me patch my fork with changes from this repo, (or could be adapted to do it backwards).


I am not sure if any of these changes would be of any interest to the general mob team/community. But I can help adding any of those changes to the main project, if it sounds useful.


Anyway, if anyone interested in my updates it's on https://github.com/antonioprates/sugar


Best regards and great thanks for keeping TinyC alive!

Antonio Prates

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