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Re: [Tlf-devel] Stew Perry review

From: Pat Collins
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Stew Perry review
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 16:01:09 -0500

On Thu, 9 Jan 2014 08:12:46 +0100 Ervin Hegedüs - HA2OS <address@hidden>

> Hi Pat,
> thanks for the answer,
> On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 10:16:23PM -0500, Pat Collins wrote:
> >
> > Worked well, no crashes to report for my 370 qsos.  Much better than last
> > year
> > using N1MM which crashes every now and then.
> sounds great,
> > I would like to see the power multiplier taken into consideration when
> > scoring
> uhm, how could we get information about the power of other
> station?

The power multiplier is 1.5x for LP and 3x for QRP.  The additional points based
on the other station wouldn't be available.

7. Score: Final score equals the total number of QSO points.  There is 
   no multiplier for different grids worked.  Stations running more than
   5 watts, but no more than 100 watts multiply their score by 1.5.  
   Stations running less 5 watts or less multiply their score by 3.  Scores 
   will be grouped by category.

For example:  I worked VE7VV in CN88 which gives 7 pts.  Since, I wouldn't know
that VE7VV is qrp, TLF would show 21 pts.  When the logs are scored, I would get
an additional x4 so the final would be 84pts for that contact.  N1MM would show
21 pts for the contact as well.

> > and the place holder for the MYQRA in the messages added.
> I thought about it till I made the code, but not seem important
> at first sight - the user can edit the rule file (in the messages
> section), and that's a value which doesn't change untill the
> contest. But sure, that should be replacable, as you wrote, I
> think about it.
> Pleas give me some info about the power multiplier - when I read
> the rules, I've found this:
> "QSO Points are multiplied by 2X if you work a low power station
> and 4X for working a QRP station.  This is done based upon received
> logs and is computed automatically during the log checking process."
> So, I think that possible after all logs arrived, and the
> _sender_ station mark its category.
> btw: I don't find your callsign in the score file:
> Which callsign did you use?



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