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[Tlf-devel] Few modification for RTTY

From: Ervin Hegedüs
Subject: [Tlf-devel] Few modification for RTTY
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 22:07:14 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Hello Tlf users,

at last weekend there was the CQ WPX RTTY, I could work for few
hours - but I changed few things to the easier usability.

I have "only" 100W, and have a GP antenna - so, I'm not a
"thundering" station :), sometimes I need to send long call, or
need to send twice or three times the callsign, report, etc...

If the other station has a long callsign, the generated message
(by the placeholders in rules file) is a slightly longer than
usual. In this case in RTTY mode Tlf has a segmentation fault. I
discovered this bug on WAEDC-RTTY, that's not a critical, but
now I fixed it. The bug was in sendbuf.c:

        strncat(printlinebuffer, backgrnd_str,
                    40 - strlen(printlinebuffer));

If the length of generated message is longer that 40 chars, the
3rd argument of strncat will be negativ, and that occures the
segfault. The modification contains this fix. (The code above
generates the text message for MSGBOX, the upper-left part of the
main window, usually this contains the messages which Tlf send to

New features:
* I made a new placeholder for the exchange of other station to
  send the confirm message. The placeholder is "!", examples:

  S&P_TU_MSG=@ CFM ! UR 599 # # 73

  so, if I work in S&P mode, and station sent me the report, I can
  confirm that with this placeholder:

  W1AW/KC6 CFM 700 UR 599 176 176 73

* I modified the SEND_DE function: if you set it up in
  logcfg.dat/rule file, and the current mode is DIGIMODE, that
  leads when you answer the station (in S&P mode), you send
  HISCALL DE MYCALL instead of simply DE MYCALL. Example:


I think these modifications helps to work in RTTY mode. All of
them had works correctly on the contest, without any problem -
and help me :).

I didn't documented these yet - if anybody has any idea, please
share with us here. If Thomas accepts this patch's, and no one has
any objections, I hope these will be merged to main branch, and
then I will write the docs.

Git branch:




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