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[Traverso-devel] Some work on AudioClipView

From: Peter Hoppe
Subject: [Traverso-devel] Some work on AudioClipView
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 01:14:39 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080505)


My goal is to develop a hard select feature, but before I can do that I
need some level of understanding of the application's internals. In my
quest to understand more of the application I've done a bit of work on
the AudioClipView class, files:



Since I don't know how else to submit source code, I thought I should do
that here. The source is pasted at the bottom of this mail.

Some comments:

* I haven't done any functional changes to the AudioClipView.

* What I did was a bit of reformatting of the source code. I know that
source code formatting is a hot topic, but I find it easier to work with
the formatting as presented below. I suspect that the lines will be
wrapped in this mail, though... oh well.

* I also did some commenting in the classes on a per-method-granularity.
I know that it takes some time to do, but it helps when others read the
code (at least I find it helpful). It also helps when using
documentation generators such as Doxygen. I use the Javadoc convention,
it's supported by KDevelop. I should think that Doxygen understands
Javadoc comments.

* I did a bit of refactoring of the method

    void AudioClipView::create_brushes()

by exporting repetetive code into a new method

    QBrush AudioClipView::create_brush_from_colors ( QColor colTop,
QColor colBottom )

and calling that method for the creation of the resp. brushes. This
shortens the create_brushes method considerably.

I did make a short functional test of the program, and it compiled and
ran successfully. Let me know what you think of these changes. Code
follows below. Thanks very much!


************* Files below *******************

file: traverso.songcanvas::AudioClipView.h

Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Remon Sijrier

This file is part of Traverso

Traverso is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.



#include "ViewItem.h"
#include <defines.h>
#include <QList>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QPolygonF>

class AudioClip;
class Song;
class FadeCurve;
class CurveView;
class SongView;
class TrackView;
class FadeView;
class Peak;
class PositionIndicator;

 * A view port for a particular audio clip. Please note that we follow
the Model-view-controller concept, so
 * this viewport is always associated with an underlying model of type
address@hidden AudioView}.
class AudioClipView : public ViewItem
        Q_CLASSINFO ( "fade_range", tr ( "In/Out: Range" ) )
        Q_CLASSINFO ( "clip_fade_in", tr ( "In: Range" ) )
        Q_CLASSINFO ( "clip_fade_out", tr ( "Out: Range" ) )
        Q_CLASSINFO ( "select_fade_in_shape", tr ( "In: Select shape" ) );
        Q_CLASSINFO ( "select_fade_out_shape", tr ( "Out: Select shape" ) );
        Q_CLASSINFO ( "reset_fade", tr ( "In/Out: Reset" ) );
        Q_CLASSINFO ( "set_audio_file", tr ( "Reset Audio File" ) );
        Q_CLASSINFO ( "edit_properties", tr ( "Edit Properties" ) );

        AudioClipView       ( SongView* view, TrackView* parent,
AudioClip* clip );
        ~AudioClipView      ();

        void                paint          ( QPainter *painter, const
QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget );

        void                set_height     ( int height );

        AudioClip*          get_clip();
        int                 get_height() const;
        int                 get_childview_y_offset() const;

        void                calculate_bounding_rect();

        TrackView*          get_trackview() const {return m_tv;}
        void                set_trackview ( TrackView* view );
        void                set_dragging ( bool dragging );

        void                load_theme_data();

        void                hoverEnterEvent ( QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *
event );

        TrackView*          m_tv;
        QList<FadeView*>    m_fadeViews;
        AudioClip*          m_clip;
        Song*               m_song;
        CurveView*          curveView;
        PositionIndicator*  m_posIndicator;
        QPolygonF           m_polygonbottom;
        QPolygonF           m_polygontop;

        QTimer              m_recordingTimer;

        float               m_progress;
        int                 m_peakloadingcount;

        bool                m_waitingForPeaks;
        bool                m_mergedView;
        bool                m_classicView;
        bool                m_dragging;
        int                 m_height;
        int                 m_infoAreaHeight;
        int                 m_mimimumheightforinfoarea;
        int                 m_usePolygonPeakDrawing;
        TimeRef             m_oldRecordingPos;

        // theme data
        int                 m_drawbackground;
        int                 m_fillwave;
        QColor              m_backgroundColorTop;
        QColor              m_backgroundColorBottom;
        QColor              m_backgroundColorMouseHoverTop;
        QColor              m_backgroundColorMouseHoverBottom;
        QColor              minINFLineColor;
        QBrush              m_waveBrush;
        QBrush              m_brushBgRecording;
        QBrush              m_brushBgMuted;
        QBrush              m_brushBgMutedHover;
        QBrush              m_brushBgSelected;
        QBrush              m_brushBgSelectedHover;
        QBrush              m_brushBg;
        QBrush              m_brushBgHover;
        QBrush              m_brushFg;
        QBrush              m_brushFgHover;
        QBrush              m_brushFgMuted;
        QBrush              m_brushFgEdit;
        QBrush              m_brushFgEditHover;

        QString             m_clipinfoString;

        void                create_clipinfo_string();

        void                draw_clipinfo_area          ( QPainter*
painter, int xstart, int pixelcount );
        void                draw_peaks                  ( QPainter*
painter, int xstart, int pixelcount );
        void                create_brushes              ();
        QBrush              create_brush_from_colors    ( QColor colTop,
QColor colBottom );

        friend class FadeView;

    public slots:
        void                add_new_fadeview            ( FadeCurve* fade );
        void                remove_fadeview             ( FadeCurve* fade );
        void                repaint                     ();
        void                update_start_pos            ();
        void                position_changed            ();

        Command*            fade_range                  ();
        Command*            clip_fade_in                ();
        Command*            clip_fade_out               ();
        Command*            select_fade_in_shape        ();
        Command*            select_fade_out_shape       ();
        Command*            reset_fade                  ();
        Command*            set_audio_file              ();
        Command*            edit_properties             ();

    private slots:
        void                update_progress_info        ( int progress );
        void                peak_creation_finished      ();
        void                start_recording             ();
        void                finish_recording            ();
        void                update_recording            ();
        void                clip_state_changed          ();

inline int AudioClipView::get_height() const
    int height;
    ( m_height > m_mimimumheightforinfoarea ) ? height = m_height -
m_infoAreaHeight : height = m_height;
    return height;



file: traverso.songcanvas::AudioClipView.cpp

Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Remon Sijrier

This file is part of Traverso

Traverso is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.


#include <libtraversocore.h>

#include <QPainter>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QFont>

#include "AudioClipView.h"
#include "SongView.h"
#include "TrackView.h"
#include "FadeView.h"
#include "CurveView.h"
#include "PositionIndicator.h"

#include "Themer.h"
#include <Config.h>
#include <FadeCurve.h>
#include <Curve.h>
#include <Interface.h>
#include "PluginChain.h"

#include <QFileDialog>
#include "dialogs/AudioClipEditDialog.h"
#include "Fade.h"
#include "AudioDevice.h"

// Always put me below _all_ includes, this is needed
// in case we run with memory leak detection enabled!
#include "Debugger.h"

 * cTor.

 * @param sv        The song viewport into which this audioclip viewport
is drawn.
 * @param parent    The viewport of the track that contains the
underlying audioclip
 * @param clip      The underlying audioclip model.
AudioClipView::AudioClipView ( SongView* sv, TrackView* parent,
AudioClip* clip )
        : ViewItem ( parent, clip )
        , m_tv ( parent )
        , m_clip ( clip )
        , m_dragging ( false )

    setZValue ( parent->zValue() + 1 );

    m_sv = sv;

#if QT_VERSION < 0x040300
    m_tv->scene()->addItem ( this );


    m_waitingForPeaks = false;
    m_progress = 0;
    m_posIndicator = 0;
    m_song = m_clip->get_song();

    if ( FadeCurve* curve = m_clip->get_fade_in() )
        add_new_fadeview ( curve );
    if ( FadeCurve* curve = m_clip->get_fade_out() )
        add_new_fadeview ( curve );

    curveView = new CurveView ( m_sv, this,
m_clip->get_plugin_chain()->get_fader()->get_curve() );
    // CurveViews don't 'get' their start offset, it's only a property
for AudioClips..
    // So to be sure the CurveNodeViews start offset get updated as well,
    // we call curveviews calculate_bounding_rect() function!
    curveView->set_start_offset ( m_clip->get_source_start_location() );
    connect ( curveView, SIGNAL ( curveModified() ), m_sv, SLOT (
stop_follow_play_head() ) );

    connect ( m_clip, SIGNAL ( muteChanged() ), this, SLOT ( repaint() ) );
    connect ( m_clip, SIGNAL ( stateChanged() ), this, SLOT (
clip_state_changed() ) );
    connect ( m_clip, SIGNAL ( lockChanged() ), this, SLOT ( repaint() ) );
    connect ( m_clip, SIGNAL ( fadeAdded ( FadeCurve* ) ), this, SLOT (
add_new_fadeview ( FadeCurve* ) ) );
    connect ( m_clip, SIGNAL ( fadeRemoved ( FadeCurve* ) ), this, SLOT
( remove_fadeview ( FadeCurve* ) ) );
    connect ( m_clip, SIGNAL ( positionChanged ( Snappable* ) ), this,
SLOT ( position_changed() ) );

    connect ( m_song, SIGNAL ( modeChanged() ), this, SLOT ( repaint() ) );

    if ( m_clip->recording_state() == AudioClip::RECORDING )
        connect ( m_clip, SIGNAL ( recordingFinished ( AudioClip* ) ),
this, SLOT ( finish_recording() ) );

//  setFlags(ItemIsSelectable | ItemIsMovable);
    setAcceptsHoverEvents ( true );
    setCursor ( themer()->get_cursor ( "AudioClip" ) );

 * dTor
AudioClipView::~ AudioClipView()

 * Paints the underlying address@hidden AudioClip}. We either paint the clip's
wave data or some other information if
 * the data is not available (progress bar, if the clip is loading,
information if the clip isn't available etc.).
 * Wave data will be drawn differently, depending on whether the clip is
soft selected (i.e. mouse pointer hovering
 * over it) or whether we are in edit mode and so forth.
 * @param painter       The worker instance that does the actual painting.
 * @param option        Runtime options, e.g. whether the mouse is
hovering over the view port (soft selection)
 * @param widget        The QT widget onto which to draw (unused).
void AudioClipView::paint ( QPainter* painter, const
QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget )
    Q_UNUSED ( widget );

//  printf("AudioClipView:: %s PAINT :: exposed rect is: x=%f, y=%f,
w=%f, h=%f\n", QS_C(m_clip->get_name()), option->exposedRect.x(),
option->exposedRect.y(), option->exposedRect.width(),

    int xstart = ( int ) option->exposedRect.x();
    int pixelcount = ( int ) option->exposedRect.width();
    if ( pixelcount == 0 )
        PWARN ( "AudioClipView::paint : Exposed rectangle has 0 width
????" );


    painter->setClipRect ( m_boundingRect );

    if ( m_clip->is_readsource_invalid() )
        painter->fillRect ( xstart, 0, pixelcount, m_height,
themer()->get_color ( "AudioClip:invalidreadsource" ) );
        draw_clipinfo_area ( painter, xstart, pixelcount );
        painter->setPen ( themer()->get_color ( "AudioClip:contour" ) );
        painter->drawRect ( xstart, 0, pixelcount, m_height - 1 );
        painter->setPen ( Qt::black );
        painter->setFont ( themer()->get_font (
"AudioClip:fontscale:title" ) );
        painter->drawText ( 30, 0, 300, m_height, Qt::AlignVCenter, tr (
"Click to reset AudioFile !" ) );

    bool mousehover = ( option->state & QStyle::State_MouseOver ) ||

    if ( m_drawbackground )
        if ( m_clip->recording_state() == AudioClip::RECORDING )
            painter->fillRect ( xstart, 0, pixelcount+1, m_height,
m_brushBgRecording );
            if ( m_clip->is_muted() )
                if ( mousehover ) painter->fillRect ( xstart, 0,
pixelcount+1, m_height, m_brushBgMutedHover );
                else            painter->fillRect ( xstart, 0,
pixelcount+1, m_height, m_brushBgMuted );
            else if ( m_clip->is_selected() )
                if ( mousehover ) painter->fillRect ( xstart, 0,
pixelcount+1, m_height, m_brushBgSelectedHover );
                else            painter->fillRect ( xstart, 0,
pixelcount+1, m_height, m_brushBgSelected );
                if ( mousehover ) painter->fillRect ( xstart, 0,
pixelcount+1, m_height, m_brushBgHover );
                else            painter->fillRect ( xstart, 0,
pixelcount+1, m_height, m_brushBg );

    if ( m_clip->is_muted() )
         m_waveBrush = m_brushFgMuted;
        if ( m_song->get_mode() == Song::EDIT )
            if ( mousehover ) m_waveBrush = m_brushFgHover;
            else            m_waveBrush = m_brushFg;
            if ( mousehover ) m_waveBrush = m_brushFgEditHover;
            else            m_waveBrush = m_brushFgEdit;

    int channels = m_clip->get_channels();

    if ( channels > 0 )
        if ( m_waitingForPeaks )
            PMESG ( "Waiting for peaks!" );
            // Hmm, do we paint here something?
            // Progress info, I think so....
            painter->setPen ( Qt::black );
            QRect r ( 10, 0, 150, m_height );
            painter->setFont ( themer()->get_font (
"AudioClip:fontscale:title" ) );
            QString si;
            si.setNum ( ( int ) m_progress );
            if ( m_progress == 100 ) m_progress = 0;
            QString buildProcess = "Building Peaks: " + si + "%";
            painter->drawText ( r, Qt::AlignVCenter, buildProcess );

        else if ( m_clip->recording_state() == AudioClip::NO_RECORDING )
            draw_peaks ( painter, xstart, pixelcount );

    // Draw the contour
    if ( m_height < m_mimimumheightforinfoarea )
        painter->setPen ( themer()->get_color ( "AudioClip:contour" ) );
        QRectF rect ( 0.5, 0, m_boundingRect.width() - 1, m_height - 0.5 );
        painter->drawRect ( rect );
        draw_clipinfo_area ( painter, xstart, pixelcount );
        painter->setPen ( themer()->get_color ( "AudioClip:contour" ) );
        QRectF rectinfo ( 0.5, 0, m_boundingRect.width() - 1,
m_infoAreaHeight - 0.5 );
        painter->drawRect ( rectinfo );
        QRectF rect ( 0.5, 0, m_boundingRect.width() - 1, m_height - 0.5 );
        painter->drawRect ( rect );

    // Paint a pixmap if the clip is locked
    if ( m_clip->is_locked() )
        int center = ( int ) ( m_clip->get_length() / ( 2 *
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor ) );
        painter->drawPixmap ( center - 8, m_height - 20, find_pixmap (
":/lock" ) );

    if ( m_dragging )
        m_posIndicator->set_value ( timeref_to_text ( TimeRef ( x() *
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor ), m_sv->timeref_scalefactor ) );


 * Paints wave data of the underlying address@hidden AudioClip}. The actual
output depends on the current zoom factor
 * and position to which the track is currently shifted.
 * @param p             The worker instance that does the actual painting
 * @param xstart        The position within the audio clip in pixels
from which we start to draw.
 * @param pixelcount    The horizontal length of the track (part) in
pixels, as shown on the user's monitor.
void AudioClipView::draw_peaks ( QPainter* p, int xstart, int pixelcount )
    // when painting with a path, I _have_ to use path.lineTo()
    // which looks ugly when only parts of the clip is repainted
    // when using a different color for the brush then the outline.
    // Painting 2 more pixels makes it getting clipped away.....
    pixelcount += 2;

    bool microView = m_song->get_hzoom() > (
    // boundary checking, important for microview only, macroview needs
the additional
    // pixels to paint the waveform correctly
    if ( /*microView &&*/ ( ( xstart + pixelcount ) >
m_boundingRect.width() ) )
        pixelcount = ( int ) m_boundingRect.width() - xstart;

    Peak* peak = m_clip->get_peak();
    if ( !peak )
        PERROR ( "No Peak object available for clip %s", QS_C (
m_clip->get_name() ) );

    /*  When painting skips one pixel at a time, we always have to start
        at an even position for 'sample' accurate painting */
    TimeRef clipstartoffset = m_clip->get_source_start_location();
    int adjustforevenpixel = 0;
    if ( xstart % 2 )
        xstart -= 1;
        pixelcount += 1;

    if ( ( clipstartoffset.to_frame ( 44100 ) /
Peak::zoomStep[m_song->get_hzoom() ] ) % 2 )
        clipstartoffset -= m_sv->timeref_scalefactor;
        adjustforevenpixel -= 1;

    // Painting seems to start 1 pixel too much to the left
    // this 'fixes it, but I'd rather like a real fix :D

    int channels = m_clip->get_channels();
    int peakdatacount = microView ? pixelcount : pixelcount * 2;

    float* pixeldata[channels];

    // Load peak data for all channels, if no peakdata is returned
    // for a certain Peak object, schedule it for loading.
    for ( int chan=0; chan < channels; ++chan )

        int availpeaks = peak->calculate_peaks ( chan,
                         microView ? m_song->get_hzoom() :
m_song->get_hzoom() + 1,
                         TimeRef ( xstart * m_sv->timeref_scalefactor )
+ clipstartoffset,
                         microView ? peakdatacount : peakdatacount / 2 +
2 );

        if ( peakdatacount != availpeaks )
//          PWARN("peakdatacount != availpeaks (%d, %d)", peakdatacount,

        if ( availpeaks == Peak::NO_PEAK_FILE )
            connect ( peak, SIGNAL ( progress ( int ) ), this, SLOT (
update_progress_info ( int ) ) );
            connect ( peak, SIGNAL ( finished() ), this, SLOT (
peak_creation_finished() ) );
            m_waitingForPeaks = true;

        if ( availpeaks == Peak::PERMANENT_FAILURE || availpeaks ==

//      pixelcount = std::min(pixelcount, availpeaks);

    float curvemixdown[peakdatacount];
    int mixcurvedata = 0;
    float curveDefaultValue = 1.0;
    int offset = ( int ) ( m_clip->get_source_start_location() /
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor );
    mixcurvedata |= curveView->has_nodes();

    if ( mixcurvedata )
        mixcurvedata |= curveView->get_vector ( xstart + offset,
pixelcount, curvemixdown );
        curveDefaultValue = curveView->get_default_value();

    for ( int i = 0; i < m_fadeViews.size(); ++i )
        FadeView* view = ( i );
        float fademixdown[pixelcount];
        int fademix = 0;

        if ( mixcurvedata )
            fademix = view->get_vector ( xstart, pixelcount, fademixdown );
            fademix = view->get_vector ( xstart, pixelcount, curvemixdown );

        if ( mixcurvedata && fademix )
            for ( int j=0; j<pixelcount; ++j )
                curvemixdown[j] *= fademixdown[j];

        mixcurvedata |= fademix;

    // Load the Peak data into the pixeldata float buffers
    // ClassicView uses both positive and negative values,
    // rectified view: pick the highest value of both
    // Merged view: calculate highest value for all channels,
    // and store it in the first channels pixeldata.
    if ( !microView )
        if ( !m_classicView )
            for ( int chan=0; chan < channels; chan++ )
                for ( int i=0, j=0; i < ( pixelcount*2 ); i+=2, ++j )
                    pixeldata[chan][j] = - fabs ( f_max (
pixeldata[chan][i], - pixeldata[chan][i+1] ) );

        if ( m_mergedView )
            for ( int chan=1; chan < channels; chan++ )
                for ( int i = 0; i < ( pixelcount*2 ); ++i )
                    pixeldata[0][i] = f_max ( pixeldata[chan - 1][i],
pixeldata[chan][i] );


    if ( mixcurvedata )
        int curvemixdownpos;
        for ( int chan=0; chan < channels; chan++ )
            curvemixdownpos = 0;
            if ( m_classicView )
                for ( int i = 0; i < ( pixelcount*2 ); ++i )
                    pixeldata[chan][i] *= curvemixdown[curvemixdownpos];
                    pixeldata[chan][i] *= curvemixdown[curvemixdownpos];
                    curvemixdownpos += 2;
                for ( int i = 0; i < pixelcount; i++ )
                    pixeldata[chan][i] *= curvemixdown[curvemixdownpos];
                    curvemixdownpos += 2;

    for ( int chan=0; chan < channels; chan++ )

        // calculate the height of the area available for peak drawing
        // and if the infoarea is displayed, translate the painter
        // drawing by dy = m_infoAreaheight
        int height;

        if ( m_height >= m_mimimumheightforinfoarea )
            p->setMatrix ( matrix().translate ( 0, m_infoAreaHeight ),
true );
            height = ( m_height - m_infoAreaHeight ) / channels;
            height = m_height / channels;

        float scaleFactor = ( ( float ) height * 0.90 / 2 ) *
m_clip->get_gain() * curveDefaultValue;
        float ytrans;

        // Draw channel seperator horizontal lines, if needed.
        if ( channels >= 2 && ! m_mergedView && m_classicView && chan >=1 )

            if ( m_clip->is_selected() )
                p->setPen ( themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:channelseperator:selected" ) );
                p->setPen ( themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:channelseperator" ) );

            ytrans = height * chan;
            p->setMatrix ( matrix().translate ( 0, ytrans ), true );
            p->drawLine ( xstart, 0, xstart + pixelcount, 0 );

        // Microview, paint waveform as polyline
        if ( microView )

            m_polygontop.reserve ( pixelcount );

            int bufferPos = 0;

            if ( m_mergedView )
                ytrans = ( height / 2 ) * channels;
                ytrans = ( height / 2 ) + ( chan * height );

            p->setMatrix ( matrix().translate ( 0, ytrans ), true );

            if ( m_clip->is_selected() )
                p->setPen ( themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:channelseperator:selected" ) );
                p->setPen ( themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:channelseperator" ) );

            p->drawLine ( xstart, 0, xstart + pixelcount, 0 );

            for ( int x = xstart; x < ( pixelcount+xstart ); x++ )
                m_polygontop.append ( QPointF ( x, -scaleFactor *
pixeldata[chan][bufferPos++] ) );

            if ( themer()->get_property (
"AudioClip:wavemicroview:antialiased", 0 ).toInt() )
                p->setRenderHints ( QPainter::Antialiasing );

            p->setPen ( themer()->get_color ( "AudioClip:wavemicroview" ) );
            p->drawPolyline ( m_polygontop );

            // Macroview, paint waveform with painterpath
            if ( m_fillwave )
                p->setBrush ( m_waveBrush );

            if ( m_song->get_mode() == Song::EDIT )
                p->setPen ( themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:outline" ) );
                p->setPen ( themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:outline:curvemode" ) );
            if ( m_clip->is_muted() )
                p->setPen ( themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:outline:muted" ) );

            scaleFactor = ( ( float ) height * 0.90 / (
Peak::MAX_DB_VALUE * 2 ) ) * m_clip->get_gain() * curveDefaultValue;

            if ( m_mergedView )
                if ( m_classicView )
                    ytrans = ( height / 2 ) * channels;
                    scaleFactor *= channels;
                    ytrans = height * channels;
                    scaleFactor *= channels;

            // we add one start/stop point so reserve some more...
            m_polygontop.reserve ( pixelcount + 3 );
            int bufferpos = 0;

            if ( m_classicView )
                QPainterPath pathtop;
                QPainterPath pathbottom;

                m_polygonbottom.reserve ( pixelcount + 3 );

                for ( int x = 0; x < pixelcount; x+=2 )
                    m_polygontop.append ( QPointF ( x, -scaleFactor *
pixeldata[chan][bufferpos++] ) );
                    m_polygonbottom.append ( QPointF ( x, scaleFactor *
pixeldata[chan][bufferpos++] ) );

                pathtop.addPolygon ( m_polygontop );
                pathbottom.addPolygon ( m_polygonbottom );
                pathtop.connectPath ( pathbottom.toReversed() );

                if ( m_mergedView )
                    ytrans = ( height / 2 ) * channels;
                    ytrans = ( height / 2 ) + ( chan * height );

                p->setMatrix ( matrix().translate ( xstart +
adjustforevenpixel, ytrans ), true );

                p->drawPath ( pathtop );
                // Draw 'the' -INF line
                p->setPen ( minINFLineColor );
                p->drawLine ( 0, 0, pixelcount, 0 );

                QPainterPath path;

                scaleFactor = ( float ) height * 0.95 *
m_clip->get_gain() / Peak::MAX_DB_VALUE * curveDefaultValue;
                ytrans = height + ( chan * height );

                if ( m_mergedView )
                    ytrans = height * channels;
                    scaleFactor *= channels;

                for ( int x=0; x<pixelcount; x+=2 )
                    m_polygontop.append ( QPointF ( x, scaleFactor *
pixeldata[chan][bufferpos] ) );

                m_polygontop.append ( QPointF ( pixelcount, 0 ) );
                path.addPolygon ( m_polygontop );
                path.lineTo ( 0, 0 );

                p->setMatrix ( matrix().translate ( xstart +
adjustforevenpixel, ytrans ), true );
                p->drawPath ( path );



        if ( m_mergedView )

 * Draws the area on which we print the audio clip's information (file
name, gain, sample rate et al).
 * @param p             The worker instance that does the actual painting
 * @param xstart        The position within the audio clip in pixels
from which we start to draw.
 * @param pixelcount    The horizontal length of the track (part) in
pixels, as shown on the user's monitor.
void AudioClipView::draw_clipinfo_area ( QPainter* p, int xstart, int
pixelcount )
    // clip info area bg
    p->fillRect ( xstart, 0, pixelcount+1, m_infoAreaHeight,
themer()->get_color ( "AudioClip:clipinfobackground:inactive" ) );
    // clip info, only if xstart lies in the stringlenght range which is
calculated by a rough estimate.
    if ( xstart < m_clipinfoString.size() * 6 )
        p->setFont ( themer()->get_font ( "AudioClip:fontscale:title" ) );
        p->drawText ( 5, 10, m_clipinfoString );

 * Creates the different brushes used to paint the audio clip
(backgrounds, waveforms etc.).
void AudioClipView::create_brushes()

    /* Create colors - background */
    QColor bg_colRecTop                 = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:recording:top" );
    QColor bg_colRecBottom              = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:recording:Bottom" );
    QColor bg_colMutedTop               = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:muted:top" );
    QColor bg_colMutedBottom            = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:muted:bottom" );
    QColor bg_colMutedHoverTop          = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:muted:mousehover:top" );
    QColor bg_colMutedHoverBottom       = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:muted:mousehover:bottom" );
    QColor bg_colSelectedTop            = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:selected:top" );
    QColor bg_colSelectedBottom         = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:selected:bottom" );
    QColor bg_colSelectedHoverTop       = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:selected:mousehover:top" );
    QColor bg_colSelectedHoverBottom    = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:selected:mousehover:bottom" );
    QColor bg_colTop                    = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:top" );
    QColor bg_colBottom                 = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:bottom" );
    QColor bg_colHoverTop               = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:mousehover:top" );
    QColor bg_colHoverBottom            = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:background:mousehover:bottom" );

    /* Create colors - foreground */
    QColor fg_colTop                    = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:top" );
    QColor fg_colBottom                 = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:bottom" );
    QColor fg_colHoverTop               = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:hover:top" );
    QColor fg_colHoverBottom            = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:hover:bottom" );
    QColor fg_colEditTop                = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:curvemode:top" );
    QColor fg_colEditBottom             = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:curvemode:bottom" );
    QColor fg_colEditHoverTop           = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:curvemode:hover:top" );
    QColor fg_colEditHoverBottom        = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:curvemode:hover:bottom" );
    QColor fg_colMutedTop               = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:muted:top" );
    QColor fg_colMutedBottom            = themer()->get_color (
"AudioClip:wavemacroview:brush:muted:bottom" );

    /* Create brushes from given background and foreground colors */
    m_brushBgRecording          = create_brush_from_colors
(bg_colRecTop,           bg_colRecBottom);
    m_brushBgMuted              = create_brush_from_colors
(bg_colMutedTop,         bg_colMutedBottom);
    m_brushBgMutedHover         = create_brush_from_colors
(bg_colMutedHoverTop,    bg_colMutedHoverBottom);
    m_brushBgSelected           = create_brush_from_colors
(bg_colSelectedTop,      bg_colSelectedBottom);
    m_brushBgSelectedHover      = create_brush_from_colors
(bg_colSelectedHoverTop, bg_colSelectedHoverBottom);
    m_brushBg                   = create_brush_from_colors (bg_colTop,
    m_brushBgHover              = create_brush_from_colors
(bg_colHoverTop,         bg_colHoverBottom);
    m_brushFg                   = create_brush_from_colors (fg_colTop,
    m_brushFgHover              = create_brush_from_colors
(fg_colHoverTop,         fg_colHoverBottom);
    m_brushFgEdit               = create_brush_from_colors
(fg_colEditTop,          fg_colEditBottom);
    m_brushFgEditHover          = create_brush_from_colors
(fg_colEditHoverTop,     fg_colEditHoverBottom);
    m_brushFgMuted              = create_brush_from_colors
(fg_colMutedTop,         fg_colMutedBottom);

 * Creates a brush from two given colors. If both colors are the same
the brush will paint solid,
 * otherwise the brush will paint a vertical gradient randing from top
color to bottom color.
 * @param   colTop      The color to be painted at the top
 * @param   colBottom   The color to be painted at the bottom
 * @return              The created brush
QBrush AudioClipView::create_brush_from_colors ( QColor colTop, QColor
colBottom )
    QBrush              ret;
    QLinearGradient     grad;

    if ( colTop == colBottom )
        ret = QBrush ( colTop );
        grad = QLinearGradient ( QPoint ( 0, 0 ), QPoint ( 0, m_height ) );
        grad.setSpread ( QGradient::RepeatSpread );
        grad.setColorAt ( 0, colTop );
        grad.setColorAt ( 1, colBottom );
        ret = QBrush ( grad );

    return ret;

 * Creates some audio clip information which will be drawn onto the clip
info area during the paint cycle.
 * @see address@hidden #draw_clipinfo_area ( QPainter* p, int xstart, int
pixelcount )}
void AudioClipView::create_clipinfo_string()
    QString sclipGain = "Gain: "+ coefficient_to_dbstring (
m_clip->get_gain() );
    m_clipinfoString = m_clip->get_name()  + "    " + sclipGain + "   "
+ QString::number ( m_clip->get_rate() ) +  " Hz";

 * Updates the progress bar during lengty operations, such as reading an
audio file.
 * @param progress      Progress percentage of operation.
void AudioClipView::update_progress_info ( int progress )
//  if (progress > m_progress) {
//  }
    m_progress = progress;
    update ( 10, 0, 150, m_height );

 * Notifier - waveform construction finished.
void AudioClipView::peak_creation_finished()
    m_waitingForPeaks = false;

 * Returns the underlying audio clip model.
 * @return  The underlying audio clip.
AudioClip * AudioClipView::get_clip( )
    return m_clip;

 * Creates and adds a new address@hidden FadeView} from a address@hidden 
FadeCurve) to
this audio clip view.
 * A fade curve covers one fade point, so this method gets called when
the user adds another fade point to the audio clip
 * @param fade      The underlying fade curve.
void AudioClipView::add_new_fadeview ( FadeCurve * fade )
    FadeView* view = new FadeView ( m_sv, this, fade );
    m_fadeViews.append ( view );
    connect ( view, SIGNAL ( fadeModified() ), m_sv, SLOT (
stop_follow_play_head() ) );
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040300
    scene()->addItem ( view );

 * Removes the specified fade curve.(or, fade point)
 * @param fade      The fade curve to be removed.
void AudioClipView::remove_fadeview ( FadeCurve * fade )
    for ( int i = 0; i < m_fadeViews.size(); ++i )
        FadeView* view = ( i );
        if ( view->get_fade() == fade )
            m_fadeViews.takeAt ( i );
            scene()->removeItem ( view );
            delete view;

 * Calculates the bounds of the audio clip's visible view port area.
void AudioClipView::calculate_bounding_rect()
//  printf("AudioClipView::calculate_bounding_rect()\n");
    set_height ( m_tv->get_height() );
    m_boundingRect = QRectF ( 0, 0, ( m_clip->get_length() /
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor ), m_height );

 * Repaints the view port.
void AudioClipView::repaint( )
    update ( m_boundingRect );

 * Sets the height of the view port, in pixels. Important for vertical
 * @param height
void AudioClipView::set_height ( int height )
    m_height = height;

 * Returns the height of the audio clip info area, or 0 (zero), if the
track is too small.
 * @return      The info area height in pixels.
int AudioClipView::get_childview_y_offset() const
    return ( m_height >= m_mimimumheightforinfoarea ) ? m_infoAreaHeight
: 0;

 * Updates the start position so we know where to place the playhead.
void AudioClipView::update_start_pos()
//  printf("AudioClipView::update_start_pos()\n");
    setPos ( m_clip->get_track_start_location() /
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor, m_tv->get_childview_y_offset() );

 * @return
Command * AudioClipView::fade_range()
    Q_ASSERT ( m_song );
    int x = ( int ) ( cpointer().on_first_input_event_scene_x() -
scenePos().x() );

    if ( x < ( m_boundingRect.width() / 2 ) )
        return clip_fade_in();
        return clip_fade_out();

    return 0;

 * @return
Command * AudioClipView::clip_fade_in( )
    if ( ! m_clip->get_fade_in() )
        // This implicitely creates the fadecurve
        m_clip->set_fade_in ( 1 );
    return new FadeRange ( m_clip, m_clip->get_fade_in(),
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor );

 * @return
Command * AudioClipView::clip_fade_out( )
    if ( ! m_clip->get_fade_out() )
        m_clip->set_fade_out ( 1 );
    return new FadeRange ( m_clip, m_clip->get_fade_out(),
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor );

 * @return
Command * AudioClipView::reset_fade()
    Q_ASSERT ( m_song );
    int x = ( int ) ( cpointer().on_first_input_event_scene_x() -
scenePos().x() );

    if ( x < ( m_boundingRect.width() / 2 ) )
        return m_clip->reset_fade_in();
        return m_clip->reset_fade_out();

    return 0;

void AudioClipView::position_changed()
    // Update the curveview start offset, only needed for left edge dragging
    // but who cares :)
    // the calculate_bounding_rect() will update AudioClipViews children, so
    // the CurveView and it's nodes get updated as well, no need to set
    // the start offset for those manually!
    curveView->set_start_offset ( m_clip->get_source_start_location() );

 * Loads the theme data file (theme support)
void AudioClipView::load_theme_data()
    m_drawbackground = themer()->get_property (
"AudioClip:drawbackground", 1 ).toInt();
    m_infoAreaHeight = themer()->get_property (
"AudioClip:infoareaheight", 16 ).toInt();
    m_usePolygonPeakDrawing = themer()->get_property (
"AudioClip:polygonpeakdrawing", 0 ).toInt();
    m_mimimumheightforinfoarea = themer()->get_property (
"AudioClip:mimimumheightforinfoarea", 45 ).toInt();
    m_classicView = ! config().get_property ( "Themer",
"paintaudiorectified", false ).toBool();
    m_mergedView = config().get_property ( "Themer",
"paintstereoaudioasmono", false ).toBool();
    m_fillwave = themer()->get_property ( "AudioClip:fillwave", 1 ).toInt();
    minINFLineColor = themer()->get_color ( "AudioClip:wavemicroview"
).dark ( 115 );

 * @param event
void AudioClipView::hoverEnterEvent ( QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent* event )
    Q_UNUSED ( event )
    if ( ie().is_holding() )

    update ( m_boundingRect );

 * @return
Command * AudioClipView::select_fade_in_shape( )

    return 0;

 * @return
Command * AudioClipView::select_fade_out_shape( )

    return 0;

 * Notifier that recording of the underlying address@hidden AudioClip} has 
void AudioClipView::start_recording()
    m_oldRecordingPos = TimeRef();
    connect ( &m_recordingTimer, SIGNAL ( timeout() ), this, SLOT (
update_recording() ) );
    m_recordingTimer.start ( 750 );

 * Notifier that recording of the underlying address@hidden AudioClip} has 
void AudioClipView::finish_recording()
    m_boundingRect = QRectF ( 0, 0, ( m_clip->get_length() /
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor ), m_height );

 * Updates the Audioclip view during recording.
void AudioClipView::update_recording()
    if ( m_clip->recording_state() != AudioClip::RECORDING )

    TimeRef newPos = m_clip->get_length();
    m_boundingRect = QRectF ( 0, 0, ( newPos / m_sv->timeref_scalefactor
), m_height );

    int updatewidth = int ( ( newPos - m_oldRecordingPos ) /
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor );
    QRect updaterect = QRect ( int ( m_oldRecordingPos /
m_sv->timeref_scalefactor ) - 1, 0, updatewidth, m_height );
    update ( updaterect );
    m_oldRecordingPos = newPos;

 * @param dragging
void AudioClipView::set_dragging ( bool dragging )
    if ( dragging )
        if ( ! m_posIndicator )
            m_posIndicator = new PositionIndicator ( this );
            scene()->addItem ( m_posIndicator );
            m_posIndicator->set_position ( 2, get_childview_y_offset() +
1 );
        if ( m_posIndicator )
            scene()->removeItem ( m_posIndicator );
            delete m_posIndicator;
            m_posIndicator = 0;

    m_dragging = dragging;

 * @return
Command * AudioClipView::set_audio_file()
    if ( m_clip->is_readsource_invalid() )
        ReadSource* rs = m_clip->get_readsource();
        if ( ! rs )
            return ie().failure();

        QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName ( 0,
                           tr ( "Reset Audio File for Clip: %1" ).arg (
m_clip->get_name() ),
                           tr ( "All files (*);;Audio files (*.wav
*.flac)" ) );

        if ( filename.isEmpty() )
            info().information ( tr ( "No file selected!" ) );
            return ie().failure();

        if ( rs->set_file ( filename ) < 0 )
            return ie().failure();

        resources_manager()->set_source_for_clip ( m_clip, rs );

        info().information ( tr ( "Succesfully set AudioClip file to %1"
).arg ( filename ) );

        return ie().succes();

    return ie().did_not_implement();

 * Sets the address@hidden TrackView} onto which this audioclip view is drawn.
 * when dragging the audioclip  across tracks.
 * @param view      The new track view
void AudioClipView::set_trackview ( TrackView * view )
    if ( m_posIndicator )
    m_tv = view;
    setParentItem ( m_tv );

 * Show Properties dialog for the underlying audioclip.
 * @return
Command * AudioClipView::edit_properties()
    AudioClipEditDialog editdialog ( m_clip, Interface::instance() );


    return 0;

void AudioClipView::clip_state_changed()

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