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Re: [VM] linebreaks

From: Salome Södergran
Subject: Re: [VM] linebreaks
Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 08:20:32 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.3 (gnu/linux)

Uday Reddy <address@hidden> writes:

> Salome Södergran writes:
>> When sending a message, lines that are not separated by a blank line are
>> considered to be one paragraph and the filling is done accordingly. Up
>> to now no filling was done across lines separated by hard newlines
>> (hitting RETURN/ENTER).
> I don't recommend that you use any automatic filling for your mail
> composition buffers, i.e., no visual-line-mode and no longlines-mode.  If
> you use them, then they will show you a nicely formatted window, but the
> long lines will be there in the text of your message.  Sendmail will then
> get long lines in your message and it will do whatever it can to do in order
> to make it fit the standards of mail protocols.
> If you just do your own filling, you will be perfectly fine.

Thanks! Without the filling everything works fine now.

Best, Salome

Salome Södergran
For e-mail-replies please use: salome dot soedergran at gmx dot ch

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