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Re: [VM] Any interest in trying to make local vs. IMAP folder treatment

From: Uday Reddy
Subject: Re: [VM] Any interest in trying to make local vs. IMAP folder treatment more seamless
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 08:40:53 +0100

blueman writes:

> For example, it would be nice to have a single vm-visit-any-folder
> function which would visit local vs. IMAP folders depending on whether
> there is a ':' (colon) in the name.
> For example:
>     'foldername' = local folder 'foldername
>     ':foldername' = IMAP folder on default imap server
>     'server:foldername' = IMAP folder on IMAP server 'server'
>     'folder\:name' = local folder 'foldername'
> Similarly, having a single 'FCC' line that would be treated as IMAP or
> local folders depending on the name of the header contents

I am pretty sure that I would never include standard commands in VM with
such complex semantics.  

The ultimate plan for handling the input of POP/IMAP folder names is going
to be the URL notation, which is now standard.  I don't yet know wheter that
will allow all types of folders to be specified in a single command.  If it
is possible, I will do so.

> This collapsing would be especially useful given the limited number of
> key bindings so that for example 'v' can be used to visit any (IMAP or
> local) folder.

My principle is that key bindings are meant for frequently-used commands.
For others, the best option is to define aliases, e.g.,

  (defalias 'imap 'vm-visit-imap-folder)

I actually believe that the Emacs architecture is fundamentally flawed in
its overdependence on key bindings.  I have had discussions about it in the
Emacs developers mailing list.  Some points have been agreed, partially, but
the ideal solution requires a lot of reengineering, which they don't hve
stomach for.

The stop-gap solution is for us to define our own aliases and ditch key
bindings except when they are really needed.


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