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Re: On release numbering

From: Mark Diekhans
Subject: Re: On release numbering
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 18:51:26 -0700

John Stoffel <> writes:
> Awesome.   I'd suggest you/we append the latest git tag/commit number
> into the version string. then it's *really* clear what's happening.  

yes, this would be really useful

> Maybe this in would work?
>   AC_INIT([Title], m4_esyscmd([git describe --abbrev=7 --dirty --always 
> --tags | tr -d '\n']))
> I'll see if I can make it work.  

I think it would be good to still include the semantic version (or development 
line version),
for the human:

  AC_INIT([VM],[8.3.x-]m4_esyscmd([git describe --abbrev=7 --dirty --always 
--tags | tr -d '\n'],[])

Probable even better to have a second variable like vm-commit.

However, just add to vm-version would be great for now .

> I suspect we should just got with debian 11 as our base, along with
> Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, if it's still accepting updates. If not... let's
> push to whatever the lowest emacs version is currently shipped on
> current stuff.
> Unless someone else has a better idea?

sounds very reasonable, I have no better idea.

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