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[Vrs-development] dev language for vrs

From: Ian Fung
Subject: [Vrs-development] dev language for vrs
Date: 14 Jul 2002 18:21:10 -0500

i know this was brought up earlier, but i would like to maybe finalize
this. i know that it doesnt matter really since we're still designing.
but i thought about this while looking at the goldwater code. i noticed
that it was written in C.

so the million dollar question: what do we write vrs in?

if i had to vote, i would say java and then c# as a close second. i
would almost say c# would be my top choice, but i dont really know that
much about c# and what kind of support it has. the only reason i'm so
partial to java is because i know it well.

feedback please. thanks,


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